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It has been my privilege to be the director of CSERGE and lead its group of highly talented researchers since the Centre's foundation in 1991.We have been at the forefront of environmental research for over 14 years now and the core feature that has shaped our evolution has been teamwork.The Centre has built up an international reputation for excellent interdisciplinary research and is part of an extensive global network of institutes concerned with the study of environmental change and related decision making. Within this network, CSERGE plays a pivotal role and has completed numerous, major international research projects with prestigious partner organisations and individuals including a recent Nobel Prize winner.

CSERGE consists of a number of collaborating disciplines including economics, political science, geography, information systems and the natural sciences. It has won national and international praise for its pioneering research on wetlands, forests, coastal management and climate change. It has also been commended for its work on the analysis of the governance process and for its innovative theoretical and applied environmental economics work. It is also one of the few institutes in which waste recycling and disposal and energy management issues, including life cycle analysis, have been researched and deployed in real world situations.

Through its policy and business contacts CSERGE has remained forward looking, anticipating new environmental problems and tailoring research to meet the future needs of decision makers locally, nationally and internationally. Our findings have been directly utilised by local authorities, government departments, the European Commission and international agencies such as the FAO, UN (Rome), OECD and the World Bank.

From 2006 CSERGE has secured new research funding totalling around £2 million to continue its work focusing on aspects of sustainable development policy (consumption and production) as well as to initiate new research on ecological services and water resources valuation, catchment and coastal zone management and climate change adaptation. Funding sources include ESRC, RELU (The Rural Economy and Land Use Programme), Leverhulm Foundation and the EU. As we move forward CSERGE's central mission continues to be the pursuit of excellence in our work, a commitment to exploring policy relevant issues and the dissemination of our findings to a wide range of audiences.

Professor Kerry Turner CBE
Director of CSERGE

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