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President's Message

Welcome to Santa Rosa Junior College

Robert F. Agrella

Widely regarded as one of the finest community colleges in the state, Santa Rosa Junior College is known for its academic rigor, its outstanding vocational training programs, superb faculty, comprehensive student services, and excellent facilities.

At SRJC we focus on the student, and the successes that our students have achieved are evidence of that attention. While we traditionally enroll approximately 36,000 students each semester, our class sizes are small and students have the opportunity to work closely with their instructors. Our transfer students who go on to four-year colleges and universities do as well as (and in many cases, better than) students who began their college careers at a four-year institution. Students who complete one of more than 170 career certificates enter the workforce well trained to succeed in business and industry.

SRJC's commitment to excellence in education is not limited to the classroom. The College offers an extensive Study Abroad Program with sites in England, France, Italy, Spain and Costa Rica, as well as award winning athletic and forensics teams, talented performing and visual arts programs, and an active student government.

A description of what SRJC has to offer would not be complete without mentioning our extensive scholarship and financial aid program that provides more than $17 million annually to our students. SRJC's prestigious Doyle Scholarship Program, funded by the Doyle Trust, is the only one of its kind in the country. Each year incoming freshmen and continuing college students receive Doyle scholarships ranging from $1000 to $1600 per year, regardless of need. This program, the scholarships provided through the generosity of donors to the Santa Rosa Junior College Foundation, and the College's financial aid program, mean that no student is denied a college education because of financial need.

I can assure you that if you make SRJC your first choice, you have chosen the best! I encourage you to visit Santa Rosa Junior College to see for yourself what SRJC has to offer. Good luck as you pursue your educational goals, and I hope I have the opportunity to meet you on one of our campuses.

Robert F. Agrella, Superintendent/President

One of 109 California Community Colleges, the Sonoma County Junior College District is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.