Real Food Delivered

Mothers and babies need to eat well. So do fathers, not to mention toddlers, teens, and grandparents.  Sometimes it's hard to buy and cook all that real food yourself. These caterers make traditional foods with good protein and real fats from animals raised with ecological methods.

Please send me your suggestions with the subject REAL FOOD DELIVERED so we can find a caterer for every hungry man, woman, and child in every zip code.  By the way, I'm running a one-judge competition for the best name. I like it straight, not cute.

  • Nourish Wise - Grass Valley, CA
    Amber Hill, a former vegan mother, and her superb vegan-trained chef husband turned to real food with happy results.  Now they cook it for you.
  • Pure Food 2U - Royal Oak, MI
    The local Weston Price chapter eats what Chef Kelli cooks. Need I say more?
  • Three Stone Hearth - San Francisco Bay Area
    This worker-owned cooperative delivers fresh real food to families in the Bay Area. But it's not the 1970s anymore. Instead of tofu surprise and carob brownies, the seasonal menu features real beef stew, lamb patties, raw milk cheeses, proper broths, and coconut desserts. Ingredients (such as pastured eggs) are traditional and ecological.

  • Made by Murray's
    Yup. Murray's Cheese is the Greenwich Village institution owned by Julian's father, Rob Kaufelt. It's also where we buy just-like-homemade real food, like meat loaf, chicken pot pie, and lamb stew, when we're not cooking.
  • Sweet Deliverance
    It's local, it's green, and yes, there's meat. Former Blue Hill and Little Giant chef Kelly Geary brings it on home to you.
  • Get Fresh
    Busy mothers who can cook make real food from local farms for you. They use green packaging, too.
  • Susie's Supper Club
    Real food for kids. We were lucky to try it for a week, and everyone loved it - mom, dad, and little boy Julian.
  • American Feast
    They're based in New York City but they bring you real food from across the country. Introduce yourself to the sustainable farms that they represent, and feast your mind on their selection of recommended books.

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