Jobs and Classifieds

CGIN classified listings are available for:

Job openings and people for hire listings are free. Equipment and supplies listings are $25 for CGIN members and $75 for non-members.

To submit a posting to the classifieds, please use one of our online forms.

To remove a posting to the classifieds, please send a message to the CGIN office, along with the title of the job posting.

Length of time classifieds are listed

  • Job openings and positions sought are listed for six weeks unless another pull date is specified.
  • Equipment and supplies are listed as long as requested by the submitting party as long as a renewal notice is sent to the CGIN office at least every three months.

Get notified of new jobs posted

You can sign up to get an e-mail every time a new job is posted to the classifieds. This service is completely confidential. The fee is $25 for six months.More information.

For more job postings or links to career opportunities with other co-ops and co-op support organizations, visit the National Cooperative Business Association Co-op Job Bank