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Prescription Drug Event and Risk Adjustment Data

Prescription Drug Event

The Prescription Drug Event Front End System (PDFS) performs the initial file processing of the Prescription Drug Event data submitted by the Part D Plans. Upon completion of the intial file processing, the Prescription Drug Event data is then sent to the Drug Data Processing System for validation and authentication of the Medicare payment of covered drugs made by the Part D plans for their enrolled Medicare beneficiaries.  Next, an analytic component, the Drug Benefit Calculator (DBC), loads the data into the National Medicare Drug Benefit Database and aggregates the data into data marts, when appropriate, to support drug, beneficiary, and plan analysis of incurred payments and payment reconciliation.

Risk Adjustment

The Front End Risk Adjustment System (FERAS) performs the initial file processing for risk adjustment data submitted by MA and MA-PD plans.  Upon completion of the initial file processing, the risk adjustment data is sent to the Risk Adjustment Processing System (RAPS) at CMS for use in the calculation of Part C and Part D risk scores.  These beneficiary level risk scores are passed to the Medicare Advantage Rx (MARx) system for use in Part C and Part D payment calculations.


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Page Last Modified: 09/22/2008 10:56:09 AM
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