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[image: Pick Poinsettias]

Master Gardener
The Louisiana Master Gardener™ program was started in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in 1994 as a means of extending the educational outreach of the LSU AgCenter, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service.

Commercial Horticulture
[Image: tomato]Louisiana Greenhouse Vegetables in 2007
2007 farm value of greenhouse vegetables in Louisiana.
[Image: left port closed]Rotary Spreaders With Pattern Cut-Off
Rotary spreaders offer the advantages of wide, fast coverage and forgiving patterns, but they are not well suited to working along turf edges. Some spreaders offer a pattern cut-off mechanism to address this problem.
[Image: spreader pattern]Distribution Patterns from Homeowner Rotary Spreaders
Some rotary spreaders can deliver a reasonably uniform distribution pattern with some products, but not with others, and some homeowner rotary spreaders don’t deliver a good pattern with any product.
[Image: spreader test stand]Spreader Setting Recommendations
When you buy a bag of fertilizer or granular pesticide to spread on your lawn, it will usually have a label on the back of the bag with settings for several common fertilizer spreaders. Do you know where those settings come from, how they were developed or how reliable they are?
[Image: bolero]Safari Series Marigolds - Photo Gallery
The Safari series marigolds have been evaluated at the LSU AgCenter the last several years. This is a group of French marigolds.
[Image: bee]Durango Series Marigold - Photo Gallery
The Durango series marigolds have been evaluated at the LSU AgCenter the last several years. This is a group of French marigolds.


Home Gardening
Plan Color Scheme for Your Cool-season Landscape
October is a transitional month in Louisiana flower gardens. Many warm season annuals have finished or are finishing, and gardeners' thoughts are just beginning to turn to cool-season bedding plants for fall, winter and spring color.
Success with Summer Tomatoes
Louisiana summers are a tough time for tomatoes to set and hold fruit. The heat causes irregular flower growth in most cultivars, and the result is poor fruit set, according to LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dr. Tom Koske.
Prepare landscape for summer storms
(Distributed 05/27/08) LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill says your lawn and landscape should be one area you pay close attention to while deciding whether you’re prepared if a storm comes your way this summer. “June marks the beginning of hurricane season, and it’s important to understand powerful hurricanes can affect the entire state – not just the southern portions,” Gill says.
[Image: rutted turf]Mow Like a Pro
Varying your mowing pattern can cause you to spend a little more time mowing, but the result will be a greatly improved appearance in your turfgrass.
[Image: Figure 1. Fear of damage from falling branches or trees prompted this case of "chainsaw backlash". This Louisiana homeowner removed all ten live oaks from her property. Photo by Hallie Dozier.]Make Wise Tree Removal Decisions before a Hurricane
This article reviews recent research on urban and community trees and their ability to stand up to hurricane strength winds.
[Image: Louisiana Vegetable Planting Guide]Louisiana Vegetable Planting Guide
Use this guide to plant a successful vegetable garden. The information has been developed after considerable research and practical experience.