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How to scout for the asian citrus psyllid and greening disease
[Image: Asian citrus psyllid on leaf]

This video will teach you how to scout your citrus trees for the asian citrus psyllid and greening disease.

Citrus Leaf Miner Management
[Image: Damage caused by the citrus leafminer]

Citrus trees that survived hurricane damage may have lost significant amounts of foliage. These trees could experience a strong flush as they start their own healing process. This is very important because new foliage will provide nutrients needed for winter survival and faster tree recovery. Producers must implement practices to protect from additional leaf loss which can be caused by the citrus leafminer.

Powerpoint about insects and mites that attack commercial citrus groves.
[Image: sooty mold]

This powerpoint presentation includes pictures of insects and mites that attack commercial citrus groves in Louisiana. It also discusses a recommended insecticide plan to control these insects and mites to minimize their impact on yield in citrus groves. Be sure to check and make sure all chemicals that are recommended are currently labeled before applying them to citrus trees.

Powerpoint presentation on insects and mites that attack backyard citrus
[Image: citrus blackfly]

This presentation includes a number of pictures of insects and mites that attack backyard citrus in Louisiana. It also includes current recommendations for control. Note that you should check to make sure that all insecticides are currently labeled before using them on your citrus.

Insects that attack citrus in Louisiana [Image: Citrus blackfly and wooly whitefly]
This gallery includes pictures of insects that attack citrus in Louisiana.
Louisiana Citrus: Pucker up for unique treat during peak season [Image: Louisianasatsuma]
Pick up Louisiana citrus at roadside stands and in local markets and groceries from now through the holidays.
Projected Costs Of Establishing And Operating A Louisiana Citrus Grove
The purpose of this report is to provide estimates of cost of production and net returns for a Louisiana citrus grower with about 5 acres in production. A citrus grove has a long productive life. Budgets evolve over the first five years of the enterprise from establishment costs to a grove approaching maturity. Succeeding years would be similar to the 5th year budget.
Lafourche-Terrebonne Area Citrus Growers Hope To Fill Void Left By Storms
With most of the citrus groves in Plaquemines Parish destroyed by last fall’s hurricanes, growers in the Lafourche-Terrebonne area are preparing to fill part of that market niche.
Meetings Bring Farmers Together To Consider Options After Storms [Image: Farmers attending workshop on options after storms]
Farmers attending workshops in Acadia and Calcasieu parishes Tuesday (Oct. 25) learned about assistance for dealing with hardships caused by two hurricanes that struck the state this summer. Similar sessions, organized by the LSU AgCenter, were planned for New Iberia, Hammond and Raceland over the next few days.
Louisiana Citrus Can Be Found But At A Premium This Year [Image: Viewing damage to citrus crop and orchard]
Louisiana citrus is another of the state’s agricultural crops heavily damaged by the hurricanes this year. Officials say some Louisiana citrus will be available despite the devastation brought by Hurricane Katrina to southeastern Louisiana, but they warn it will be at a premium.
Workshops Teach Pesticide Safety
(Distributed 10/07/03) LSU AgCenter faculty members teach workshops throughout the year to assist agricultural producers and others in becoming and remaining certified to apply pesticides in a manner that will keep the food and fiber supply safe.
AgCenter Faculty Meet In ‘Food Summit’
Stressing that production agriculture alone is not enough to sustain rural economies, a leading food science expert said farm productivity needs to be converted to consumer-ready products.
