Technology Review - Published By MIT


Opening the Space Frontier
NASA’s Constellation Program plans to build spacecraft and vehicles to return astronauts to the Moon and possibly Mars.
Video by NASA - Read the Article
Opening the Space Frontier
Thursday, November 20, 2008
NASA’s Constellation Program plans to build spacecraft and vehicles to return astronauts to the Moon and possibly Mars.
• Article: Obama's NASA Dilemma   Video by NASA
The Shuttle Maneuvering in Space
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The Space Shuttle Atlantis conducts a rendezvous pitch maneuver--a backflip to reach the same orbital velocity as another spacecraft--before docking with the International Space Station. Atlantis is traveling at an orbital velocity of 17,500 miles per hour and is rotating three-quarters of a degree per second.
• Article: Obama's NASA Dilemma   Video by NASA
Upwardly Mobile
November/December 2008
India is the fastest-growing mobile communications market in the world. The rural poor are rapidly adopting phones, so the technology could become a platform for providing banking services. Sanjay Swamy, CEO of the mobile-payment platform mChek, talks about the potential.
• Article: Upwardly Mobile  Video by David Talbot Edited by JR Rost
A VC's Perspective on Mobile Banking in India
November/December 2008
Mohanjit Jolly, executive director of Draper Fisher Jurvetson, in India, describes how the country’s rural poor could improve their lives thanks to credit and banking services obtained via increasingly cheap mobile-phone services.
• Article: Upwardly Mobile  Video by David Talbot
Home Tweet Home
July/August 2008
A look at Twitter's offices days before they prepared for a move to a more grown-up space.
• Article: Home Tweet Home  Video by Greg Tennant
Una Laptop por Niño
May/June 2008
The philanthropic effort dubbed the $100 Laptop has not met its grand initial goals. But its first deployment, in Peru, may turn skeptics into believers.
• Article: Una Laptop por Niño   
TR10: Wireless Power
March/April 2008
Physicist Marin Soljacic is working toward a world of wireless electricity.
• Article: TR10: Wireless Power  
TR10: Graphene Transistors
March/April 2008
A new form of carbon being pioneered by Walter de Heer of Georgia Tech could lead to speedy, compact computer processors.
• Article: TR10: Graphene Transistors  
The Next Generation of iPhone Hacks
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Apple's plan to release a software kit that lets people create legitimate add-ons for the iPhone could make the device appeal to an even wider audience.
• Article: The Next Generation of iPhone Hacks  
Intelligent, Chatty Machines
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
A startup hopes to help computers have meaningful conversations with people.
• Article: Intelligent, Chatty Machines  
A New Perspective on the Virtual World
Friday, September 07, 2007
A startup hopes to compete with Google Earth by building a more natural world.
• Article: A New Perspective on the Virtual World  
Soul of a New Mobile Machine
May 2007
From conception to buzz, from three-way spring to soft-touch paint: inside the design of a multimedia communications gadget.
• Article: Soul of a New Mobile Machine  
Printing without Ink
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Startup ZINK Imaging is giving inkless printing a new look.
• Article: Printing without Ink   
Philanthropy's New Prototype
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
The cofounder of MIT's Media Lab, Nicholas Negroponte, wants to make $100 laptops available to poor children throughout the world. The next few months will be critical in determining whether the One Laptop per Child project succeeds.
• Article: Philanthropy's New Prototype  

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Technology Review January/February 2009
Lifeline for Renewable Power
Without a radically expanded and smarter electrical grid, wind and solar will remain niche power sources.
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