Technology Review - Published By MIT

Privacy Policy

The following is a detailed breakdown of the privacy policy for, the website of Technology Review, Inc. This policy was updated on January 16, 2007. Questions about the policy can be e-mailed to All information collected on this website is owned solely by Technology Review, Inc., and is handled pursuant to this policy.

How We Gather Information

  1. Registration, Online Subscription Registration, Subscription Registration, Events Registration, and Newsletter Sign Up: To access certain areas of this website, a user must first complete the registration form. During registration a user is required to give contact information (such as name, e-mail address, postal code, Country, Job Function, and Job Industry). E-mail addresses are used during the initial setup of your account, in the delivery of service messages, requested information, and some events and products. Additionally, if a user requests their password, it is delivered in plain text to the address on file. Country, Job Function, and Job Industry are used only in aggregate reporting to better understand our audience and improve user experience on the site and never on an individual basis. Online Subscriptions and Event Registration require additional information, such as credit-card number and billing address. This information is used for billing purposes and to process orders. In the event we have trouble processing an order, this contact information is used to make contact and resolve the issue. We send all new members a welcoming e-mail to verify password and username. Established members will occasionally receive information on products, services, and special deals.
  2. Surveys and Contests: From time to time, our website requests information from users via surveys or contests. Participation in these surveys or contests is completely voluntary and the user therefore has a choice whether or not to disclose this information. Information requested may include contact information (such as name and address), personal opinion and demographic information (such as zip code, age group, purchasing influence). Contact information will be used to notify the winners and award prizes. Survey information will be used for purposes of monitoring or improving the use and satisfaction of this site, and may be shared in aggregate with our partners. In the event that the handling of information for a specific survey differs from the procedures outlined in the Privacy Policy, those differences will be clearly highlighted in the survey introduction.
  3. Tracking Traffic: We currently contract with Omniture to manage our traffic statistics. We use the services to help us measure how visitors use our site. To do this, we use Web beacons and cookies provided by Omniture on this site. The type of information we collect includes unique visitors, page views, entry and exit points, and a variety of other aggregated data. By supplementing our records, this information helps us learn things like what pages are most attractive to our visitors, which of our products most interest our customers, and what kinds of offers our customers like to see. Although Omniture logs the information coming from our site on our behalf, we control how that data may and may not be used.

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How We Use This Information

  1. Sharing: Periodically we share aggregated demographic information with our partners and advertisers. We use outside companies to bill users for goods and services. These companies do not retain, share, store, or use personally identifiable information for any secondary purposes.
  2. Publishing: Any comments posted to articles or blogs will immediately appear online, along with the username that the writer has designated. Technology Review will remove illegal and inappropriate comments.

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How Third-Party Vendors, Sites, and Sponsors Use This Information

  1. Third-Party Advertising: We use DART and other third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our website. These companies may use information (not including your name, address, email address or telephone number) about your visits to this and other websites in order to provide advertisements on this site and other sites about goods and services that may be of interest to you. If you would like more information about this practice and about your choices for not having this information used by these companies, please click here.
  2. Third-Party Cookies: In serving advertisements to this website, our third-party advertiser may place or recognize a unique "cookie" on your browser.
  3. Vendor Distribution: Technology Review may disclose information about individual users to third parties who agree to provide services to Technology Review and who agree to maintain the confidentiality of such information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. These third parties will provide a variety of services to Technology Review, including, without limitation, processing and storing user information, helping to create new content and promotions for the Technology Review Site, and sending or coordinating the sending of marketing communications that users have consented to receive. Technology Review will disclose information about individual users to governmental or judicial authorities or law enforcement agencies, or to other individuals or entities in response to subpoena, court order, or other legal process. In matters involving a danger to personal or public safety, Technology Review may voluntarily provide information to appropriate governmental authorities.

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User Privacy Options

  1. Correcting/Updating Personal Information: If a user's personally identifiable information changes (such as zip code), or if a user no longer desires a service, we provide a way to correct, update, or remove that user's personal data. This is at the My Account page which can be accessed by logging in here:
  2. Choice/Opt-out: Users who no longer wish to receive one of our newsletters may unsubscribe on the My Account page which can be accessed by logging in here:
  3. Site and Service Updates: We send our users site and service announcements via email. Members are automatically subscribed to these service announcements, which contain important information about the site, user registration, or a subscribed service.

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Child Privacy

The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), passed by Congress in October 1998, requires the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to issue and enforce rules concerning children's online privacy. The FTC issued the Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule in November 1999; it has been in effect since April 21, 2000. The Rule's primary goal: to place parents in control over what information is collected from their children online.

While Technology Review doesn't fall under the guidelines for sites that must adhere to COPPA, if parents inform us that their children have provided the company with personal information, the company will delete those files in a reasonable amount of time.

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Commitment to Security

We take every precaution to protect our users' information. When a user submits sensitive information via the website, the information is protected both online and offline.

When our registration/order form asks users to enter sensitive information (such as a credit card number), it is encrypted and protected with SSL encryption software. All of our users' information, not just the sensitive information mentioned above, is restricted in our offices. Only employees who need the information to perform a specific job (for example, a customer service representative) are granted access to personally identifiable information. All employees are kept up-to-date on our security and privacy practices. Finally, the servers on which we store personally identifiable information are kept behind a locked cage.

If you have a question about the security at our website, send it to

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A cookie is a piece of data stored on the user's hard drive containing information about the user, such as an ID for site access. If a user rejects the cookie, they will be unable to log in to our site to access premium content. We do not use cookies to store sensitive information.

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Log Files

We use Internet Protocol (IP) addresses to analyze trends, administer the site, track users' movement on our site, and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use.

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This website contains links to other sites. Technology Review, Inc. is not responsible for the privacy practices of other sites. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements of each website that collects personally identifiable information.

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Notification of Changes

Technology Review, Inc. reserves the right to change its privacy policy. If we decide to change our policy, though, we will post any changes prominently, so users are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it. If at any point we decide to use personally identifiable information in a manner different from that stated at the time it was collected, we will notify users by e-mail.

How to Contact Us

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