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Career Resources
Program Directory
Boston University Metropolitan College
Metropolitan College, one of Boston University’s 17 schools and colleges, offers over 60 part-time programs, including CNSS-certified IT graduate degrees with concentrations in database management & business intelligence, IT project management, and security; and numerous cutting-edge IT graduate certificates. Classes are available in convenient evening, online, and blended formats.
Polytechnic Institute of NYU Executive Master’s Programs
Based in New York City and Westchester, NY, Polytechnic Institute of NYU’s fast-track executive master’s programs in Management of Technology and Information Management, as well as the MBA?in Innovation &?Technology Management, enable professionals to move beyond pure technology and become effective managers of innovation. Participants gain knowledge that is increasingly valuable to firms and not easily outsourced. Join us for an info session and get complete details at:

Career Profiles

Arvind Salian, Automotive New Production Introduction PE Manager, Freescale Semiconductor
Growing up in Mumbai, India, Arvind Salian epitomized “happy go lucky.” The youngest of four children in a middle-class family, Salian studied just enough to make decent grades, but he much preferred being outdoors, playing sports with the neighborhood kids. An injury that left him temporarily bedridden at age 20 prompted him to get serious about life. Now with two master’s degrees, a PhD, and five patents under his belt, this PE manager at Freescale Semiconductor has found success on an entirely new playing field.
Irene Poh, Senior Business Analyst, Procter and Gamble
Like most undergraduates, Irene Poh wasn’t sure what she wanted to be “when she grew up.” One thing she did know, however, was that she was a “quant at heart.” Quantitative subjects such as mathematics and statistics spoke to her. Poh felt strongly that her career would draw upon her passion for analysis. Find out how this Cincinnati woman rose to her position as a senior business analyst at Procter and Gamble before reaching her 30th birthday.
Foster Hinshaw, CEO and President, Dataupia
Foster Hinshaw, the founder, CEO, and president of Dataupia, understands the power of information. Through technology, his company helps businesses streamline massive amounts of data so they can operate with greater insight and efficiency. For Hinshaw, an enterprising engineer with a head for business, it’s the perfect challenge. Read how this Cornell and Harvard graduate positioned himself to succeed in technology and in the boardroom.

Expert Q&A

Expert Q & A
How do you convince your employer to support continuing education?
You might be lucky enough to work for a company that offers flextime, tuition reimbursement, and other benefits to employees who want to continue their education. Before you can receive these benefits, however, you’ll probably need to justify why the company should invest in your education.
Which academic program best fits your career and personal needs?
Taking the time to analyze your career goals, educational objectives, and personal commitments will help you choose a program that works for you.
Is an online learning environment right for you?
The type of learning environment offers a new level of convenience for students, but it also requires planning and preparation up front.
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To list your program or recruitment ad in our Career Resources section, e-mail Barry Echavarria at or call 603.924.7586.

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Technology Review January/February 2009
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