
A. Membership Questions

  1. How do I log in?

  2. How do I change my password?

  3. I forgot my password.

  4. Why don’t my username and password

  5. How do I update my store’s profile information?

  6. How do I renew our membership online?

B. General Questions / Errors

  1. Why can’t I print this page?

  2. What is a PDF file?

  3. How do I increase the font size on pages?

  4. What happened to the item I submitted?

  5. Where can I find job listings?

  6. How do I post a job announcement?

  7. I have equipment to sell. How can CGIN support me with this?

  8. How do I open the photo gallery archive I downloaded?

  9. How do I listen to the radio ads?

C. Listserve Questions

  1. What are listserves?

  2. How do I subscribe to the listserve?

  3. How do I unsubscribe from the listserve?

  4. How can I review past listserve postings?

  5. How can I search the archive listings?

  6. Where can I look for more information about CGIN Listserves?

  7. What happened to the attachment I sent out over the listserve?

D. Search the site

  1. How can I search the site?

  2. Why did my search yielded no results?

A. Membership Questions

1) How do I log in?
If you are a CGIN member, you can log in using the Member Login button found at the top right side of the home page.

2) How do I change my password?
After logging in, click on the My account button found on the top right, then click on the Edit button. Scroll down the page and then type in your new password in the two password fields and click Submit

3) I forgot my password.
On the member login page click on the Retrieve your password button. The password will then be sent to the contact person’s e-mail address.

4) Why don’t my username and password work?
First, make sure that Caps Lock is turned off. The majority of the time this is what causes failed login attempts. Also make sure you are using the correct password. If you are unsure if you have the correct password, please contact your organization’s CGIN contact person. If you are the contact person, please use the password retrieval system. If the problem persists, try restarting your browser or your computer. If you still encounter login problems, please contact CGIN about the situation.

5) How do I update my store’s profile information?
After logging in, go to My account, and scroll down to the bottom of the page until you see Member is associated with the following contributors. Click on your co-ops name to be taken to the profile page. Click on the Edit button to be taken to the page to update your store’s profile information.

6) How do I renew our membership online?
After logging in, click on My Account and then click on the Renew Membership tab. The 2009 membership renewal fee will be shown, as well as any additional fees for the specialized listserves. If that’s the amount you’d like to pay, click on the Renew Now button. You’ll be taken to PayPal, where you can either pay with your credit/debit card, create a PayPal account or log in to your PayPal account. If the amount shown is incorrect, please contact the CGIN office

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B. General Questions / Errors

1) Why can’t I print this page?
The majority of printing problems are not problems with the page itself but with the computer viewing it.
Try following these methods in the order they appear.

  • Try restarting your computer. The majority of the time this will correct the problem.
  • Try printing the document from a different computer if you have the option to do so.
  • Try printing a different web page.

  • If the other program prints fine, please report the situation to CGIN and we will look at the page in question.
  • Try printing from a different program such as a word processor.

If this prints out badly as well, your printer may need maintenance, re-installation, or repair. Consult your printer documentation or manufacturer’s website for information.
If the other program prints fine, you may have to re-install your web browser program.

2) What is a PDF file?
PDF stands for Adobe Portable Document Format. PDF files are meant to be a standard for distributing information that can be viewed by any computer with a reader program. For viewing these files there is a program called Adobe Acrobat Reader (also referred to as Adobe Reader), which is freely distributed over the Internet.

Adobe Acrobat Reader also has the option to install as a plugin to popular web browsers such as Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator. This means you can click on a link to a PDF file and it will load right in your web browser.

To download the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader, go to and look for a link to download “Adobe Reader” or “Adobe Acrobat Reader”. If you can not find a link, you can also search their site for “Adobe Reader”.

3) How do I increase the font size on pages?
For Mac or PCs, hold down the Control button and hit + to increase. To decrease the font size, hold down the Control button and hit -.

4) What happened to the item I submitted?
All items submitted must be approved by the CGIN administrator, which can take up to 24 hours.

5) Where can I find job listings?
You can find job listings and people for hire at the job and classifieds page.

6) How do I post a job announcement?
You can find forms for submitting job openings and people for hire at the job and classifieds page.

7) I have equipment to sell. How can CGIN support me with this?
CGIN has a classified section available to advertise equipment and supplies of interest to food co-ops. Listings are open to any CGIN member for a $25 fee and to non-members for a $75 fee. All listings will be posted as long as requested by the submitting party as long as a renewal notice is sent to the CGIN office at least every three months. Once your listing is on the CGIN site, you may send out a message over the basic listserve and include a link to the posting.

8) How do I open the photo gallery archive I downloaded?
The file that is created is a .TAR archive. Windows users will need to have an archive utility that can decompress a .TAR file. Here is a freeware utility, ALZip, that can do it. Macintosh and Linux users should be able to open this file with their default archiving tools.

8) How do I listen to the radio ads?
There are various programs that can play .mp3 files. One common program that’s available for free is Windows Media Player. Stay upgraded when you can, it helps: Download Windows Media Player Here (for most operating systems)Then when you click on the radio ad clip, select to open the file with Windows Media Player.
If you run into problems with Windows Media Player please visit the Support Area on the Windows Media Web Site.
They also have a page that lists error codes and what they mean and how to get around them.
If you have a non-Intel-based Mac, download Windows Media Player for Mac. If you have a (newer) Intel-based Mac, grab the Flip4Mac player.

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Listserve Questions:

1) What are the listserves?
CGIN’s listserves are designed to facilitate communication among food co-ops and those involved with food co-ops. CGIN offers three listserves. The basic listserve, which is available to anyone, the membership and marketing specialized listserve, and human resource specialized listserve, both of which require a small subscription fee.

2) How do I subscribe to the listserve?
You can find instructions for subscribing to the basic CGIN listserve on the basic listserve page

3) How do I unsubscribe from the listserve?
You can find instructions for unsubscribing from the basic CGIN listserve on the basic listserve page

4) How can I review past listserve postings?
CGIN maintains an archive of all listserve postings. The basic CGIN listserve is open to anyone interested in reviewing it. Note that the login and password for the listserve archive are: list (login) and archive (password). CGIN members can also access the archives for the specialized listserves for membership and marketing staff and human resource staff. If you wish to view either of these now please use the following links.

Basic Listserve Archive (Login: list | Password: archive)
Membership and Marketing Listserve Archive
Human Resource Listserve Archive

5) How can I search the archive listings?
In order to search the archive listing, you’ll need to visit the specific listserve’s archive page and click on the search button:
Basic Listserve Archive (Login: list | Password: archive)
Membership and Marketing Listserve Archive
Human Resource Listserve Archive

6) Where can I look for more information about CGIN Listserves?
The majority of questions you might have about the listserves can be answered on the Listserve page. If you have any questions beyond the scope of that page, please feel free to ask the CGIN office.

7)What happened to the attachment I sent out over the listserve?
CGIN’s listserve does not allow attachments to be sent out. We do this for a number of reasons:

  • attachments are a ready source of computer viruses
  • many listserve subscribers are on slow internet connections
  • attachments to listserve messages will not be easy for listserve subscribers to find
  • attachments add duplicate materials to the data stored on the CGIN site.

You are encouraged to post all materials or items for sharing to the CGIN site.

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D. Search the site

1) How can I search the site?
Near the middle top of every page is a search box. Enter the word or phrase you are looking for and click the Search button. You’ll then be shown the search results. For more advanced search options, click the Advanced search link, found under the box containing your keywords. Here you’ll be able to specify categories, types of documents, and specific phrasing.

2) Why did my search yield no results?

  1. Check if your spelling is correct.
  2. Try the advanced search option by clicking on the Advanced search link, found under the box containing your keywords. Here you’ll be able to specify categories, types of documents, specific phrasing.
  1. Consider loosening your search keywords.

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