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A forum for herb businesses
Herb Business Profiles

Herbal Green Pages Input Form

The Herbal Green Pages is the largest resource guide for the herb industry. Updated continually, this guide lists over 6000 herb related businesses and what they do.  Listings are alphabetical, by state/province/country and eventually by product category.  It includes listings of herbal associations, educational programs, publishers, periodicals as well as products of interest to herb businesses (bottle and packaging suppliers, etc.)  Though it has been available in print form, it is changing and is available online.  Members will have indepth listings with a thumbnail of their website.  Nonmembers will have a very brief listing (10 words) and though their website and email address will be listed, they will not be hotlinked.   To get listed in the Herbal Green Pages or to update your listing, send your changes to me.  If you would like all the bells and whistles of a member listing, it's only $95 a year, plus you get all the benefits of membership as well.  A true bargain!

TAKE PARTICULAR NOTE:  This is a free service, so make it easy for me if you want to be included.  Do NOT use all CAPS in your listing.  It will be deleted.  Check your spelling and be sure to capitalize proper names.  Make sure you list yourself correctly.  Sorry, but if I have to retype a listing, it won't get included.  You are only a member of our network if you've been paying HGMN an annual membership fee.  I do check the listings against the list.  Putting yourself as a member when you're not will only keep you from getting listed.  Sorry to be so blunt, but though I think we're fairly clear, obviously many others do not read it.  Do not send me notes through this medium....they will not be responded to....use email.  This is also not the way to get added to our email list....send me an email saying "Subscribe".


Please provide the following contact information:

Street Address
Address (cont.)
Zip/Postal Code
Work Phone

Choose one of the following options:

Describe your business. Nonmembers are limited to 45 words, members can be wordy.

Copyright © 2008  HGMN All rights reserved.
Revised: November 04, 2008