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Herbworld's Blog:
A forum for herb businesses
Herb Business Profiles

Conference Proceedings

Conference Proceedings are the written papers presented by speakers at our conferences.  Often they give details that the speaker wasn't able to include in the actual talk due to time constraints.  Occasionally (rarely), they are an outline of the speaker's presentation.  We find they are extremely helpful for technical information especially related to commercial production and marketing of herbs.   There are no "textbooks" on this subject so the proceedings are the next best thing.  We offer the past five years of papers.  Here are the talks that are presented in each one.  To order, click on the "Join Now" button at the left.  Publications can be ordered on that form.

Proceedings from the 1st Annual Herb Business Winter Getaway Conference $25 (outside No America $30US)
Introduction to Biodynamic agriculture, Innovative Economical Weed Control, New Techniques in Drying Herbs, Raised Beds for Herb Production, Native Seeds & Commercial Production, Ethical Wildcrafting, Profitable Production of Potted Herb Plants, From Seed to Sale, Plug Production, Greenhouse Production of Medicinal Herbs, Magical, Mystical, Medicinal Herbs, Organic Field Production of Fresh Cut Herbs, Marketing on the Internet, Marketing Herbs, Promoting a Rural Herb Farm, Growing Healthy Work, Developing a Business Image, Marketing Your Herb Products, Writing & Self-Publishing Your Ideas, Giving Teas for Profit, Herbal Holiday Celebrations, Teaching Cooking Classes, Fairy Business or Fairies in the Marketplace, Blending Potpourri for Profit, Profits From Bus Tours, Culinary Herbs of the Southwest, Diversifying Your Farm Operations, Selling Herbs Wholesale, Herbs for Children, The Ecstasy of Herbal Teaching, Effective Marketing of Aromatherapy Products, Small Scale Production, Quality Control: How to Get Started, Manufacturing Herbal Body Care Products, Selling Herbs Successfully, Legal Issues Facing Herb Businesses, Garden of the Curandera, Herbs for Companion Animals, Finding Your Niche--Making a Living with Medicinal Plants, Education for Herbal Retailers, Ayurveda in Your Business, Packaging & Labeling Regulations

Proceedings from the 2nd Annual Herb Business Winter Getaway Conference $25 (outside No America $30US)
Greenhouse Soil Mixes, Successful Germination: How to Coax Your Herb Seeds out of Hibernation, Organic Pest Control, Fresh Garlic Production, Organic Herb Production in an Urban Setting, 1996 Medicinal Herb Trial, Plant Propagation, Growing, Processing & Marketing Herbs, Time Saving Equipment for Herb Farming, Marketing to Chefs, Growing Medicinal Herbs, Growing Pains of Established Growers, Know Your Intellectual Property Rights, Finding Your Niche in the Herb Growing Business, The Psychology of Presentations, Communicating Successfully, New Product Development, Garden Photography: Techniques and Aesthetics, Establishing Yourself as an Expert, Dealing With Stress, Working With Publishers, Don’t Give Away the Store: Self-Publish Your Way to Fame and Fortune, Herbs & Everlastings: Packing & Shipping, Getting to the Heart of Marketing Medicinal Herbs, Important Concerns for the Organic Grower & Raw Materials Purchaser, Clinical Evaluation, Botanical Quality Control, Clinical Herbology in a Retail Setting, Herbal Medicine from your Kitchen Cupboard, Essential Oil Distillation, Aromatherapy Products in a Retail Setting, Revelations on the Future of Medicinal Herbs From Plantus Divinus, Why Didn’t I Think of That? Tips & Tricks in Customer Service, Education the Herbal Consumer, The Queen of Flowers Revisited, Ethnobotanical Approaches to the Discovery of Natural Products, The Artful Garden, The Internet: Is It For Your Business, Promoting Your Business, Commercial Botanical Production of Chinese Medicinal Herbs, Production of Medicinal Herbs, Advertising in a National Magazine

Proceedings from the 3rd Annual Herb Business Winter Getaway Conference $25 (outside No America $30US)
Poetry, Proverbs & Philosophy of an Herb Garden, Promoting Festivals, Bringing a Product to Market, Business Planning for Fun and Profit, Running a Bug-Free Shop, How to Use Feng Shui to Bring Wealth & Prosperity to Your Business, Retail Shop Design, The Public: Tours and Gift Shop an ‘Artful’ Approach, When the Business Honeymoon Ends, Smart Buying: How to Maximize the $ Return on Your Investment, Fiesta Herbs, Legal Issues for Herb Growers & Marketers, Bringing the New Age into Your Herb Shop, Special Thyme with Children, Herbs in the Schools, Survival for an Herb Business, Networking, Using Herbs Simply and Safely, Considerations When Purchasing Essential Oils, Phytotherapeutic Synergy of Herbs & Essential Oils, The Top Ten Chinese Herbs for the Retail Market, Ayurvedic Herbology, Dietary Supplement Good Manufacturing Practices, The Petite Fleur Essences: Healing From the Heart, GMP’S for Small Business, 7 Steps to Building an Herb Program, Differentiating Your Herb Farm from the Local Garden Center, Greenhouse Production of Fresh Cut Herbs, Harvesting Medicinal Roots for Sale, The Realities of Wildcrafting, Garlic Varieties for Herb Growers, Hot Pepper Facts, The Important of Insurance Moving Towards the Millenium, Herbs in the Mainstream, Cancer Salves, Herbs for Men’s Health, Herbal First Aid for Large Groups, Weeds in Your Garden?—Bite Back!, Menopausal Years, The Wise Woman Way, Aromatherapy for Fun and Health, A Woman’s Herb Garden for Health and Well-Being, The Basics of Chinese Medicine

Proceedings from the 4th Annual Herb Business Winter Getaway Conference $25 (outside No. America $30US) 
Practical Labeling for the Backyard Business; Promoting Overlooked Plants; Class Thyme 101: Teaching Classes; The Basics of Exporting; Communication Skills; Making Money with Lectures; Labeling a Product Line; Retailing Books; Commercial Drying of Herbs; Internet Marketing; The Importance of Networking; Herbal Weddings; What’s Science Got to Do with It?; Quality Control in Manufacturing; Herbalists’ Top Ten; Eco-Herbalism—Sustaining Wild Botanicals into the Next Millenium; Understanding Women’s Herbs for Retailers; Homeopathy in Your Shop and Practice; Stress Management for Her Business Owners; Herbal Programs and Therapies for the Competitive Horse; Holistic Healing with Companion Animals; Holistic Veterinary Care; The Traditional Use of Herbs to Treat Animals; Cold Percolation Technique; Selection Criteria of Botanicals; $cents Scents—Marketing Aromatherapy; Natural Rearing of Pets and Livestock; Lasagna Gardening; Growing Herbs and Spices in the South; Organic Pest Control; Issues in Chinese Mediicnal Plant Produciton; Growing Medicinal Herbs; Growing St. John’s Wort; Growing Culinary Herbs; Production and Marketing of Lavender; North American Eastern Woodland Herbs; Marketing Medicinal Herbs…Now and After Y2K; Biodynamics; Marketing Herbs to Hotels & Restaurants; Deer Control; Production of Goldenseal & Ginseng.

Proceedings from the 5th Annual Herb Business Getaway Conference $25 (outside No. America $30US)
Risky Business; The Natural Products Consumer, Getting Grants for Your Business; The Silver Labyrinth; What Buyers are Looking For; They Mystery of Plant Essential Oil Extractions; Tincture Herbs Explained; Using Business Management Software to Analyze and Manage Your Herb Business; Growing Leaf and Root Crops for the Natural Foods Industry; First Aid Kit for Home and Farm; Running an Herbal Bed and Breakfast; Hosting Bus Tours; Harvesting and Storing Medicinal Herbs; Potted Herb Production; Festivals and Special Events – Fun and Profits; Farming Medicinal Herbs; The World of Children and Business; How to Stage a Fall Festival and Promote Your Business; Fresh Cut Culinary Herb Business Marketing and Management; Investment and Retirement Strategies; Basic Black Hat Feng Shui for Businesses; Organic Field Production of Fresh Cut Herbs; How to Determine the Quality of Essential Oils; Legal Issues for Herbalists in the USA; Cultivating a Summer in Provence (Lavender Production); Agritourism: Opening the Doors to the Farm; On the Road Again: Running Suce$$ful Bus Tours; Internet Marketing: Let’s Start Making Some Money Here; Giving Lucrative Soapmaking Classes; Small Scale Medicinal Herb Farming; Salvias for Our Gardens and Landscapes; Christmas—When the Retailer’s Ship Comes In!; Marketing Herb Plants at Health Food Stores & Markets; Starting an Educational Herb Apprentice Program; Herbs as an Aid in Cancer Therapy.