Codex Alimentarius

Section 735



to the preview of "Codex Alimentarius", ANR-490, Section 735.  This is a 3 credit hour, graduate or undergraduate level, Internet-based, college course offered by Michigan State University.   This course is designed for anyone who recognizes the importance of international trade, and the free flow of goods and services across national boundaries.

This course is one in a series of Internet-based, food law courses comprising our International Food Law Certificate Program, sponsored by the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources and the Institute for Food Laws & Regulations at Michigan State University.

The Lead Instructor for this course is Neal D. Fortin, Director of the Institute for Food Laws & Regulations at Michigan State University.  Professor Fortin is joined by several distinguished guest instructors from Codex Alimentarius, World Health Organization, World Trade Organization, The World Bank, a developing country, a consumers organization, and a food industry organization.  There is also a Course Manager, Mary Anne Verleger, who will be your primary contact throughout the course and will be available to help with any and all concerns regarding this course.

Course Objective:

The objective of this course is to familiarize the students with the history, development and workings of the Codex Alimentarius Commission in formulating and harmonizing food standards and ensuring their global implementation.

Codex Alimentarius includes:

  • food standards for commodities (237)

  • codes of hygiene or technological practice (41)

  • guidelines for contaminants (25)

  • evaluations on pesticides (185)

  • evaluations on food additives (1,005)

  • evaluations on veterinary drugs (54)

  • and limits for pesticide residues (3,274)

Course Design:

The course is taught in a series of sections or " Modules".  Each Module lasts one week and represents a specific topic or issue.  Modules will be uploaded on Monday morning for the convenience of our international students.  You will have one week to read the materials and complete the assignment, which is located at the end of the Module.  Once uploaded, the Modules will remain online throughout the duration of the course so you can always go back in case you miss a week.  

Here's a sample Index of the Modules in this course.  The Module Index may change with each semester.

Module One  Getting Started in a Web Course - 
Overview of Course

Neal Fortin, Lead Instructor
 Mary Anne Verleger, Course Manager
Module Two What is Codex Alimentarius?
Alan Randall, Secretary (retired)
Codex Alimentarius Commission
Module Three General Subject Committees
Neal Fortin, Lead Instructor
Module Four Commodity Committees
Neal Fortin, Lead Instructor
Module Five Ad hoc International Task Forces
Neal Fortin, Lead Instructor
Module Six Regional Coordinating Committees
Neal Fortin, Lead Instructor
Module Seven Codex, Food Safety and WHO
Gerry Moy
World Health Organization
Module Eight Codex and International Trade
Gretchen Stanton
World Trade Organization
Module Nine Codex and Developing Countries
Pakdee Pothisire
Ministry of Public Health
Module Ten Codex and The World Bank
John S. Wilson
The World Bank
Washington, D.C., USA
Module Eleven Codex and the Food Industry
Peggy S. Rochette
National Food Processors Association
Module Twelve Codex and Consumers
Rowshan Hannan
Consumers International
Module Thirteen Reviews/Comments on Codex:
Readings From Peer Reviewed Journals
Neal Fortin, Lead Instructor
Module Fourteen

Course Review
Neal Fortin, Lead Instructor



Your assignments will be due the following Monday and can be submitted automatically using our course assignment drop box feature or by email, fax or regular mail.  Grades are posted electronically and sent to you by email.  Class participation is accomplished by means of synchronous and asynchronous Internet communication technologies such as bulletin boards and real time chat software such as the Discussion Forums.


So there you have it.  It should take an average of nine hours per week to complete a module.  You simply go online at the beginning of each week or whenever it is convenient for you and a new module will be waiting.  Read the materials, explore the hyperlinked and other Internet-based resources, complete the assignment, upload it in the course assigment drop box and with the click of a mouse you're done for the week.  

Now, let's be realistic.  What if you're called out of town for a week or are otherwise unable to access or complete a module within the one week time limit?  No problem.  Time extensions will be granted; and, if you give us a bit of notice, the course materials can be provided to you by fax, CD or otherwise.  Fourteen weeks later, you have completed the course

This course is one of nine courses offered in our program.  The other courses include:  IPPC (International Plant Protection Convention) and OIE (World Organisation for Animal Health), the overview course in International Food Laws & Regulations and the region-specific courses covering food regulation in the United States, European Union, Latin America, Canada and Asia.  All basically follow the same format.  

If you are looking for a convenient way to continue your education and are interested in or need information regarding the Codex Alimentarius and its influence on global trade, this is the course for you.  

Just click here [How to Enroll] to get started.  


This course is offered fall and spring semesters.
Courses are not offered summer semester.
For more information, see the Course Schedule

Certificate Program | Faculty | Courses | How to Enroll | MSU

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