Food Institute Research Resources


Food Price Outlook 2008

If you are trying to gauge where prices for your products, ingredients, or menu items, are headed, the Food Institute Price Outlook will give you the latest price projections from USDA. Updated throughout the year this, data is used by processors, foodservice operators, and grocery buyers time and time again.

Latest Economic Articles

The Food Institute provides it own analysis of "Real" sales changes for Grocery Stores and Eating & Drinking Places When you factor out changes in pricing - Where’s the Real growth? The economic articles are updated on a frequent basis, providing you with the most current industry topics.

Bioterrorism Resources

A collection of valuable bioterrorism information for the food industry including FDA guidelines and rules and related information. Also see the Country Of Origin Labeling (PDF)

Other Food Related Sites

The Food Institute has compiled a valuable list of links to other resources on the web and provides a list of some member websites.

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Don't be the last to know! Sign up for the Food Institute Daily Update and let the news come to you. Click here to read more.

Publication Catalog

The Food Institute publishes a wide array of highly respected reports and studies for the food industry ranging from Demographics to Food Service Price Trend Handbook and everything in between.

For members only:

Food Institute Report

An in-depth weekly digest which features breaking food industry news, washington news that affect the industry and market changes and developments. A two months archive of the latest reports ensures that members can always find the latest articles quickly and easily.

Report Article Search

Food industry research at your fingertips, the Food Institute Report Article Search allows members to search through past reports for a specific topic.

Merger & Acquisition Search

Each week The Food Institute reports on the mergers and acquisitions that occurred in the the food industry. Members can search the past four years worth of these transactions by company name or type of business.

Food Labeling

Regulations are frequently changed. Members are kept abreast on the latest information from FDA, including allergens, trans fat and health claims.

Market Info Centers

View current food market information such as price trends, imports/exports, per capita consumption, USDA standards and more. Market news is also updated weekly.