Technology Review - Published By MIT


"Vista That Works"
"Vista That Works"
Although hardly revolutionary, Microsoft's next OS repairs some of Vista's flaws.
Sign-Language Translator
Sign-Language Translator
The first sign-language dictionary that's searchable by gesture.
Broadband on Rails
Broadband on Rails
A compact lens could make high-speed Internet access commonplace on trains.
The Year in Web Politics
The Year in Web Politics
Obama has transformed the use of the Internet in political campaigns--and he might do the same in governing.

More Communications Stories

The Year in Robotics
Advances in robotics for personal assistance, medicine, and the military in 2008.
The Year Online
The business of social networking, cloud computing, and a flaw in the fabric of the Internet top the most notable stories of 2008.
Jan • Feb Issue
Voice Googling
Jan • Feb Issue
Large-Screen E-Reader
Jan • Feb Issue
Wearable Media Center
Jan • Feb Issue
Bootleg Battle Lines
Rival aesthetics in the mashup community.
Jan • Feb Issue
"Wavy Lines of Sound"
A research physicist looks to the past and future of recorded music.
Jan • Feb Issue
"Very Stunning, Very Space, and Very Cool"
An oral history of the launch of space tourism.
Purified Urine in Space
NASA boldly goes where no filter has gone before.
Can't We All Just Get Along?
Competing attempts to unite people's online social networks may end up sowing more division.
Robotic Weather Planes
Fleets of robotic aircraft could improve weather forecasts.
Supercharged File Sharing
Cooperating with file-sharing networks could avert congestion.
McCain's Web Win
Campaign strategists and Facebook's cofounder discuss the 2008 election.
The Social Life of Routers
How a 1960s sociology experiment could hold the key to better Internet routing.
Back-Button to the Future
A new tool makes it easier to see the Web changing over time.
The Extensible Obama
The transition team is testing Web tools that could power the next presidency.

Communications Blogs

Yahoo Uses Twitter To Filter The News
Web-Browsing Apps on the iPhone
Ford's New Car Parks Itself
Macworld Rumor Roundup
Google Makes Texting Simple
NASA Tests the Interplanetary Internet
Astronauts Lose $100,000 Tool Kit
Test-Driving Google Voice Search
Repairing Hubble
New Slices of Spectrum

News from Around the Web

4G war, conflicts of interest loom behind possible DTV delay
Barack Obama's call to delay the DTV transition would affect not only millions of analog TV viewers, but also powerful companies with a vested interest ...
Cell Phone Pixel Progress Hints At Imaging App Boom
The enhanced photo-sharing services businesses will expand to personalized content management and social networking apps, prompting user buy-in, one analyst firm predicts.
Obama's FCC chairman pick hailed by reform groups
The media reform groups are joyous over the reported pick of Julius Genachowski as Chair of the FCC. But not a lot of noise yet ...
FCC: We're taking "white spaces" work global, baby!
The FCC has announced a bold plan to take its "white spaces" expertise global. A new website, a new conference, and face time with FCC ...
The High Security Risk Attached to Obama's Belt
It looks like the president-elect's security team will have the last word on his BlackBerry, and he will have to do without it.

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Repairing Hubble
Repairing Hubble

NASA's next servicing mission for the telescope will be one of its most challenging.
(4min 38sec)

Current Issue

Technology Review January/February 2009
Lifeline for Renewable Power
Without a radically expanded and smarter electrical grid, wind and solar will remain niche power sources.
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