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student resources

Academic Calendar Art Gallery Bookstore Career Development Services CyBear Center Jesse Peter Museum Libraries Off Campus Housing Planetarium Student ID Cards

Few centers of higher education can claim that they offer students the best of both worlds - broad college resources and the personal and affordable experience of a first-rank community college. At SRJC there are so many opportunities to learn about yourself, your community, and your world!

You may opt to join clubs, participate in sports or leadership development, volunteer in the community, as so many of our students do, or become active in student life through the Associated Students. When you need help with your academic and job training studies, both libraries on the Petaluma and Santa Rosa campuses are remarkable resources. SRJC’s Tutorial Center, Food Services, Career Center, the Bookstore, CyBear Center, and Campus Housing will help you address your changing needs. There are also internships and work-study programs, and don’t forget to explore the amazing Planetarium, Jesse Peter Museum, and Art Gallery!

You can feel assured that while you are enrolled at SRJC, multiple student resources will make your journey of the mind and heart rich and rewarding in and out of the classroom!