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Faculty & Staff

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The faculty and staff at Santa Rosa Junior College know exactly why they are here — to ensure students' success and to serve the ever-changing needs of citizens and businesses throughout Sonoma County.

At SRJC you will find that our instructors are dedicated and gifted teachers who put engagement and exchange at the core of SRJC's educational offerings. Our staff members are committed to providing multiple services to students every step of the way, from admission through graduation.

In the classrooms and laboratories, across the tables in the cafeteria, or during office hours, our instructors and staff play an active part in students' educational and daily lives through close interaction that contributes greatly to students' academic and personal growth. So many thousands of SRJC students have become dynamic, contributing citizens of the changing communities in which they work and live because they have experienced the dedicated teaching of SRJC faculty experts and the attentive, personal services of SRJC staff members.

While it remains our students' responsibility to learn, engage, and change the world, SRJC's entire college community continues to serve together through a core mission of education and student service. SRJC's faculty and staff teach students to learn from each other, to discover a lifelong desire for learning and ethical reasoning and action, and to inspire them to do what SRJC was founded for - to enlighten, care for, and advance our community and society at large within and beyond Sonoma County.

We hope that the "Faculty & Staff" Web pages will offer information about the members of SRJC's dynamic educational community!