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paying for college

SRJC - Scholarship Office
Scholarship Programs Financial Aid BOG Fee Waiver Application EOPS (Extended Opportunity
Programs & Services)/CARE
Veterans Affairs CalWORKs AB 540 (California Nonresident
Tuition Exemption)

partial image of Burbank Auditorium
collage of students, studying/graduating/celebrating

SRJC's low tuition for California state residents makes your education and career training easily within reach. SRJC's generous financial aid package offers federal financial aid grants and loans, state grants, and local scholarships, including the unique Doyle Scholarship program. Most low-income students are also eligible for a Board of Governors Enrollment Fee Waiver (BOG), which waives enrollment fees.

SRJC offers the largest scholarship program of any community college in California. The Frank P. Doyle and Polly O'Meara Doyle Trust, generates dividends for scholarships to assist worthy students in achieving their educational goals at SRJC. In the 2007-08 academic year the Doyle Scholarship program distributed nearly $5 million in awards to over 4,700 students. In addition, SRJC's Foundation receives donations from individuals, community groups, and organizations that provide over 750 scholarships to entering, continuing and transferring SRJC students. Contact us to discover how to pay for college!

Santa Rosa Campus
Financial Aid
Plover Hall
M - F, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
W, 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM

(707) 527-4471

Plover Hall
M - F, 8 AM - 5 PM

(707) 527-4740

Petaluma Campus
Call Hall
M, T, Th, 8:30 AM - 5 PM
W, 10:30 AM - 7 PM

(707) 778-2461