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The leadership of Santa Rosa Junior College extends its warmest welcome! Comprised of elected members and one student member, the Board of Trustees of the Sonoma County Junior College District ensures that the College fulfills its responsibility to lead and serve its ever-changing communities. SRJC's Board of Trustees and a College Superintendent/President provide oversight of approximately 40,000 students each semester in both credit and noncredit courses.

As a state-supported college with two campuses and 70 other learning sites, SRJC is nationally recognized as one of the largest and best colleges in California and one of the top two-year colleges in the U.S.

When you visit SRJC we hope that you will experience firsthand the difference that makes SRJC so successful in its pursuit for ongoing academic development, vocational success, and commitment to community. These aims are rooted in the institutional mission formally adopted by the College, "To increase knowledge, improve skills, and enhance lives." Our full Mission Statement articulates a philosophical basis about how the College addresses the educational niche that our community college occupies in the communities it serves.

SRJC's curriculum emphasizes interdisciplinary studies and experiential learning, so that our students will cultivate the ability to think critically, evaluate historically, and apply knowledge during a lifetime of learning. Serving in a growing and changing Sonoma County, SRJC sustains an inclusive learning environment that is highly conducive to learning and with singularly impressive results.

Whether your plans include moving on to a four-year university, entering the workforce, or both, at SRJC we are certain that the education students receive develops the knowledge and experience that are fundamental components of a rewarding university, professional, and personal life.

As you browse through our Web site we believe that you will find that our broad programs answer the needs of the communities we serve in a very supportive and responsive way. We encourage you to talk with our faculty and staff if you have specific questions, either via the Internet or by telephone. We appreciate your interest in SRJC!