Congressman José E. Serrano Congressman José E. Serrano
Representing the People of the 16th District of New York

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U.S. Congressman José E. Serrano ~ Representing the people of the 16th District of New York



Having worked in education before entering politics, Congressman Serrano is deeply interested in education issues. He believes that promoting quality education across the country is critical for helping people get high quality jobs. This means that children from all backgrounds should receive the support they need to succeed at school.

To achieve such broad based success requires that the appropriate resources are provided at every level. School districts need to have the funding to hire good teachers and good support staff. Teachers need to have the resources to provide students with an engaging and high quality education, and a positive learning environment. Funding also needs to be provided for maintaining the school environment so that the teachers, the students and the other people in the building have a safe and well-maintained environment in which to do their work.

Congressman Serrano believes that this commitment to education should not be limited to providing a minimal level of competency, but that the government has a responsibility to encourage students to pursue higher education and to provide them with the funding they need to access that education. In the modern world a higher education is ever more important for getting a quality job and every child should have the opportunity to pursue it.

Because of his work in the field, Congressman Serrano has a particular interest in improving education by providing teachers with the support staff they need. He has introduced a bill to increase the number of paraprofessionals in schools. This would help provide teaching assistants, language assistants, librarians and other vital educational staff to schools to help ensure that students have the guidance they need.

2227 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-3216
(202) 225-4361
Fax: (202) 225-6001
788 Southern Blvd.
Bronx, New York 10455
(718) 620-0084
Fax: (718) 620-0658

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2227 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-3216
(202) 225-4361
Fax: (202) 225-6001
788 Southern Blvd.
Bronx, New York 10455
(718) 620-0084
Fax: (718) 620-0658
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Congressman José E. Serrano
Congressman José E. Serrano Congressman José E. Serrano