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getting started

High School Concurrent Enrollment International Student Program Steps for New Students Learning Communities Reentry Students Transfer Students

Welcome to SRJC!

At Santa Rosa Junior College we understand that deciding which college to attend is among the most important lifetime decisions you will make. At SRJC you can look forward to an exceptional and challenging educational experience no matter what your academic and job training goals are.

Among the first-rank community colleges in California and the nation, SRJC's students, faculty, staff, and administrators share a common purpose: To foster respect and support for each student as a valued member of a welcoming, high quality learning community. What is required of you is a readiness to be challenged and the willingness to engage in all that the College has to offer. And SRJC offers a lot! We welcome you to our college community, now let's get started!

Information for Students

We have created a personalized, easy-access Web site for students who may have questions about SRJC’s programs and services.

To create your VIP interest page, choose the type of admissions you are seeking. This is not a registration page.

New/First Time Students

Returning Students

High School Students

International Students

If you already have a VIP page, sign in here

Based on your unique interests and needs, we will communicate directly with you about events and other important information you might like to know about SRJC.

Your e-mail address is important so we can easily communicate with you. If you do not have a personal e-mail address, please click here.

Getting Started Students