| Pierce |
Asthma Deaths (1995-1997) | 41 |
Population (1995 - 1997) | 2052543 |
Crude Rate per 100,000 Population | 2 |
Age Adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population | 2.5 |
  | Pierce |
Total MDs (1997) | 1047 |
Hospital Based MDs (1997) | 155 |
Office Based MDs (1997) | 892 |
General Practice/Family Medicine MDs (1997) | 209 |
General Practice/Family Medicine ODs (1995) | 19 |
General Internal Medicine MDs (1997) | 80 |
General Internal Medicine ODs (1995) | 3 |
OB/GYN MDs (1997) | 47 |
OB/GYN ODs (1995) | 3 |
Pediatrics MDs (1997) | 73 |
Pediatrics ODs (1995) | 2 |
Pulmonary Disease MDs (1997) | 11 |
Allergy/Immunology MDs (1997) | 5 |
Registered Dieticians (1990) | 247 |
Registered Nurses (1990) | 4001 |
Respiratory Specialists (1990) | 182 |
  | Pierce |
Short-Term General Hospitals (1996) | 7 |
with Medical School Affiliation (1996) | 2 |
with Community Outreach (1996) | 6 |
with Health Fair (1996) | 5 |
with a Health Information Center (1996) | 3 |
Admissions (1996) | 62239 |
Beds (1996) | 1248 |
In-patient Days (1996) | 269992 |
Out-patient Visits (1996) | 1978173 |
  | Pierce |
Total HMOs (1997) | 0 |
Membership (1997) | 0 |
Traditional HMOs (1997) | 0 |
Membership (1997) | 0 |
IPA HMOs (1997) | 0 |
Membership (1997) | 0 |
Other HMOs (1997) | 0 |
Membership (1997) | 0 |
  | Pierce |
Total Population (1996) | 657272 |
Non Hispanic Whites | 528981 |
Blacks | 52378 |
American Indian/Eskimo/Aleuts | 9733 |
Asian/Pacific Islanders | 41551 |
Total Hispanics | 30955 |
  | Pierce |
Per capita Income (1996) | 21913 |
Median Household Income (1995) | 37006 |
Persons in Poverty (1995) | 76889 |
Unemployment Rate (1996) | 6.2 |
Persons age 25+ w/under 9 years school (1990) | 17392 |
Persons age 25+ w/4+ years college (1990) | 63156 |