Asthma Deaths (1995-1997) 504
Population (1995 - 1997) 16071017
Crude Rate per 100,000 Population 3.1
Age Adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population 3.6

Health-Care Providers
Total MDs (1997) 16298
Hospital Based MDs (1997) 5750
Office Based MDs (1997) 10548
General Practice/Family Medicine MDs (1997) 1525
General Practice/Family Medicine ODs (1995) 244
General Internal Medicine MDs (1997) 3494
General Internal Medicine ODs (1995) 49
OB/GYN MDs (1997) 972
OB/GYN ODs (1995) 33
Pediatrics MDs (1997) 1243
Pediatrics ODs (1995) 18
Pulmonary Disease MDs (1997) 99
Allergy/Immunology MDs (1997) 80
Registered Dieticians (1990) 1799
Registered Nurses (1990) 41232
Respiratory Specialists (1990) 1330

Hospital Resources
Short-Term General Hospitals (1996) 61
with Medical School Affiliation (1996) 35
with Community Outreach (1996) 43
with Health Fair (1996) 45
with a Health Information Center (1996) 34
Admissions (1996) 767751
Beds (1996) 20321
In-patient Days (1996) 4771837
Out-patient Visits (1996) 10292663

HMO Resources
Total HMOs (1997) 18
Membership (1997) 1937126
Traditional HMOs (1997) 3
Membership (1997) 47447
IPA HMOs (1997) 7
Membership (1997) 269576
Other HMOs (1997) 8
Membership (1997) 1620103

Total Population (1996) 5096540
Non Hispanic Whites 2689807
Blacks 1369307
American Indian/Eskimo/Aleuts 12996
Asian/Pacific Islanders 239104
Total Hispanics 840646

Education and Employment
Per capita Income (1996) 28861
Median Household Income (1995) 37824
Persons in Poverty (1995) 747979
Unemployment Rate (1996) 5.5
Persons age 25+ w/under 9 years school (1990) 379239
Persons age 25+ w/4+ years college (1990) 750038