Highlights for May 9 - May 13, 2005

Office of Safeguards and Security Evaluations (OA-10)

Office of Secure Transportation (OST) Safeguards and Security Inspection: A joint itinerary and agenda was developed. An initial planning and coordination trip and meeting has been scheduled with representatives from OST and their contractors at the Nevada Test Site (NTS). Performance testing of convoy operations in conjunction with the OST inspection is scheduled at the NTS.

Transportation of Classified Parts to the Waste Isolation Pilot Project (WIPP) Special Review: The development of an inspection plan to include lines of inquiry and inspection methodology was initiated this week. A special review of the protection afforded classified parts shipped from DOE sites to WIPP located in Carlsbad, New Mexico, will be conducted.

Nevada Test Site (NTS) Safeguards and Security Comprehensive Inspection: The letter announcing the combined OA-10, -20, and -30 inspection was prepared for management review. Onsite inspection planning and data collection activities and performance testing, report writing, and close out activities are scheduled.

Design Basis Threat (DBT) Site Assistance Visits (SAVs): A final report summarizing SAV activities to date was dispatched this week. Additional SAV activities are scheduled to be conducted at the Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) and at the Hanford Site. The objective of the SAVs is to identify protection strategies and technologies to effectively implement the revised DBT.

Y-12 National Security Complex (Y-12) Safeguards and Security Comprehensive Inspection: Preparations for the data collection visitwere completed. Force-on-force performance testing, report writing, validation and close out activities are scheduled.

Sandia National Laboratories-New Mexico (SNL-NM) Safeguards and Security Comprehensive Inspection: Comments to the draft report were received and reviewed by topic team leads. A consolidated response is under management review. This inspection was part of a combined OA-10, OA-20, and OA-30 inspection.

Safeguards and Security Lessons-Learned Report: The revision of the lessons learned report in response to management review continued. The report is expected to be completed by May 31. The report is based on past safeguard and security inspection results, and identifies positive attributes, areas needing improvement, and best practices. The final report is scheduled to be distributed to ESE and NNSA security managers by early June.

Reciprocal Agreement to Share Classified Information: Representatives of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) were invited to observe a DOE sponsored force-on-force exercise. A copy of the Bilateral Agreement between the U.S. and Canada has been formally requested from the Department of State (DOS). The agreement outlines the parameters for the sharing of classified nuclear security threat and vulnerability information between CNSC and DOE.

Office of Cyber Security Evaluations (OA-20)

Y-12 National Security Complex (Y-12) Classified Cyber Security Inspection: Preparations continued for the onsite planning activities scheduled to be conducted at Y 12. The technical assessment protocol has been developed and will be discussed with the DAA prior to the planning visit. This is part of a combined inspection with OA 10.

Continuous Network Scanning Program: DOE sites identified during the perimeter scanning project are being added to the scanning program as points of contact are established and IP ranges are verified. Additional sites will be incorporated into the program over the next several months. This program is being conducted in support of the Secretary's Security Initiatives.

Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) Classified Cyber Security Inspection: Comments on the final draft inspection report have been received and are under review. The scope of the cyber inspection included SNL operations in New Mexico and California. This inspection was conducted as a part of a combined OA-10, OA-20, and OA-30 inspection.

South-Eastern Power Administration (SEPA) Cyber Security Inspection: The final report is awaiting publication.

Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) Cyber Security Inspection Corrective Action Plan (CAP): An interim CAP is due from WAPA in mid-May.

Office of Emergency Management Oversight (OA-30)

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) Emergency Management Inspection: Onsite inspection planning and data collection activities are scheduled to be conducted at LLNL.

Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) Emergency Management Inspection: Comments on the final draft report were received and are in the process of being resolved. This inspection was conducted as a part of a combined OA-10, OA-20, and OA-30 inspection.

National Response Assets Inspection Planning: Three OA-30 staff members observed the Radiological Assistance Program (RAP) team training in Albuquerque, NM. Arrangements are also being made to observe a national response exercise at a Department of Defense (DoD) facility.

Office of Environment, Safety, and Health (ES&H) Evaluations (OA-40)

Y-12 National Security Complex ES&H Inspection: A conference call was held with the site to discuss the upcoming scooping visit.

Idaho National Laboratory (INL) ES&H Inspection: Discussions continued with the Idaho Operations Office to coordinate activities for the upcoming planning visit.

Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) ES&H Inspection: Report development was completed this week (May 9-13). Onsite validation and closeout activities are scheduled.

Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (OCRWM) Special Review: Report development was initiated this week (May 9-13) On March 17, the Deputy Director, Office of Strategy and Program Development, OCRWM, requested an independent review of the concerns regarding alleged retaliation and discrimination within the OCRWM QA organization.

Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) Environment, Safety, and Health Management Inspection: Review of the comments provided by the site on the draft final report was initiated this week (May 9-13).

Pantex Plant (Pantex) ES&H Inspection Corrective Action Plan (CAP): The site is required to provide a final CAP to OA for review and comment by mid-May. The site informed OA that the CAP has been delayed due to site office comments.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) ES&H Inspection Corrective Action Plan (CAP): Review of the CAP provided by the Livermore Site Office continued.

ES&H Lessons Learned Reports: Development of the Unreviewed Safety Question Process lessons learned report continued. Six additional focus areas are being evaluated as part of the ES&H inspections being conducted during CY 2005.

National Training Center (NTC) Safety Professional Development Program: Continued to provide support to the NTC regarding the development of safety-related courses, including Safety Systems Oversight (SSO) and Contractor Oversight (CO). An Advanced Safety System Oversight course presented at NTC on April l1-15, will be repeated in July/August. The General Technical Base (GTB) course is scheduled for deployment by mid-June. Development of additional fast track courses, e.g. Senior Technical Safety Manager Course, to address acknowledged training needs of the Department is being pursued. OA senior staff will brief the Federal Technical Capability Program members in Las Vegas, NV, next week (May 16) on the status of safety training program development.

Draft Oversight Order 226.1: Continued to participate in meetings and conference calls to support the 2004-1 Implementation Plan working group. Most of the organizations have provided feedback to OA through the Directive POCs on the proposed responses.

IG Entrance Conference for Audit of Occupational Qualifications: Attended the DOE/IG Entrance Conference this week (May 10) to discuss the "Audit of Occupational Qualifications." Data collection from headquarters and selected field sites will be performed through mid July 2005. A follow up interview was also conducted this week (May 13) to review independent oversight evaluations and the ES&H evaluation process.