Highlights for July 19 - July 23, 2004

Activities Underway

Office of Safeguards and Security Evaluations (OA-10)

Nevada Test Site (NTS) Safeguards and Security, Classified Cyber Security, and Emergency Management Combined Review: Onsite data collection and planning activities were conducted this week in support of the assessment of the NTS security program. Additional onsite data collection activities and, force-on-force performance testing is scheduled. The review activities are within a few months of the NTS receiving the first shipments of special nuclear materials from the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) TA-18 facility. The results will be indicative of NTS readiness to receive and protect these materials.

Los Alamos and Sandia National Laboratories Security Incidents: Participated in a SSA team to develop strategies for strengthening control and accountability of classified removable electronic media throughout the Department in response to the recent security incidents at LANL and SNL. This work is being coordinated with NNSA and the Secretary's staff. A House committee delegation is scheduled to meet with DOE and LANL officials this week. The Department's response to these incidents is expected to have security policy implications.

Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (INMM) Annual Meeting: Attended the annual meeting in Orlando, FL this week (July 19-23). Information regarding this meeting and the INMM may be viewed at http://www.inmm.org/meetings/2004.

Secretarial Initiative: Department of Defense job task analyses for special operations forces are being analyzed and compared to the DOE job task analysis for security police officers to identify best practices which can be used to enhance DOE protective force training. This action is part of the Secretarial initiative related to upgrading protective force capabilities.

Office of Cyber Security Evaluations (OA-20)

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab) Unclassified Cyber Security Inspection: A final draft inspection report was transmitted to the site for review. A briefing for Office of Science management is scheduled for next week.

Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Cyber Security Inspection: Preparations continued for onsite data collection activities.

Nevada Test Site (NTS) Safeguards and Security (S&S), Classified Cyber Security, and Emergency Management Combined Inspection: Planning continued for additional onsite data collection activities.

Office of Emergency Management Oversight (OA-30)

Nevada Test Site (NTS) Safeguards and Security, Classified Cyber Security, and Emergency Management Combined Review: Tabletop performance testing involving only OA-30 was conducted last week (July 12-16). Safeguards and Security and Emergency Management combined performance testing activities are scheduled. The purpose of these exercises is to develop protocols to be used for future combined performance testing. As such, OA-30 is not planning to rate either activity. The first combined performance activity will be a combined command post tabletop exercise that focuses on how the NTS protective force and selected elements of the NTS emergency response organization respond to a simulated emergency event. The second combined activity will consist of force-on-force performance testing with emergency management objectives.

Argonne National Laboratory-West (ANL-W) Emergency Management Targeted Review: Planning was initiated this week with the ANL-W DOE Site Office Manager in support of this review. Onsite scoping activities are scheduled. The scope of the review will include ensuring the emergency management program effectiveness is maintained during the transition of line management role, responsibilities, and authorities between SC and NE.

Hanford Site Emergency Management Targeted Review CAP: The interim CAP is due to OA by next week (July 29).

Savannah River Site Office (SRS) Review of Environment, Safety, and Health and Emergency Management: Awaiting EM to amend the CAP as agreed in last week's meeting.

Office of Environment, Safety, and Health (ES&H) Evaluations (OA-40)

Oak Ridge National Laboratory ES&H Review: All comments have been addressed and the final report is being developed for management review.

Los Alamos National Laboratory Special Safety Assistance Review: Preparations continued in support of this review. The scope of the review has been adjusted in response to senior management direction and discussions with the Site Manager. Onsite planning activities are scheduled.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory ES&H Inspection: Preparations continued in support of the onsite scoping activities.

Kansas City Plant ES&H Review CAP: The CAP is due to OA by September 7.

Independent Oversight Investigation of Worker Vapor Exposure and Occupational Medicine Program Allegations at the Hanford Site: A memorandum directing EM to address the findings and recommendations in the OA Investigation Report was issued last week (July 16). The Office of Congressional Affairs continues to work on arrangements for briefing to Washington State officials.

Safety Management Challenge Task Force: Continued to support the Department's effort to address Safety Management Challenges through the efforts of the task force.

DNFSB Recommendation 2004-1: Represented OA by attending a workshop this week (July 22-23) with the purpose of developing a response to the DNFSB recommendation.

Ambulatory Health Care Accreditation: Oak Ridge National Laboratory has applied for re-certification of their occupational medical program and plans are in place to conduct that survey next week (July 26-27). The Accreditation Association of Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC) is scheduled to conduct a consultative survey for the Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory next week (July 30). The consultative survey is intended to prepare the site for formal accreditation by the end of 2004.

Activities Completed

Office of Safeguards and Security Evaluations (OA-10)

DOE Order Streamlining Initiative: Provided comments on the proposed streamlined security order and manuals to SO. A meeting is scheduled with SO policy makers to discuss OA comments.