Highlights for March 31 – April 4, 2003

Activities Underway

Office of Safeguards and Security Evaluations (OA-10)

Savannah River Site (SRS) Comprehensive Inspection: Site comments on the draft report have been reviewed and finalization of the report will be completed next week. The report should be approved by April 15.

Argonne National Laboratory-East (ANL-E) Comprehensive Inspection: Final planning actions have been completed to begin the on-site data collection phase. Closeout is scheduled.

Hanford/PNNL Comprehensive Inspection: Planning actions and coordination with site points-of-contact continue.

CMPC Special Reviews: Data collection activities will be conducted at the Chicago Operations Office as scheduled. Planning for the ANL-W special review continues.

Headquarters Security Officer: Preparations are underway to support attendance at a 3-day workshop, which will focus on the development of the next Headquarters Master Security Plan. Coordination continues with OA-40 concerning the planned expansion of the Document Control Center.

OA-10 management and selected staff met with representatives from SO to discuss proposed corrective action plans in response to findings made by the GAO in two recent reports. Support for this process will continue next week.

Additional inputs for the OA-10 2002 lessons learned report for safeguards and security have been received.

Work continues on an internal review of proposed rules of engagement for force-on-force exercises and a rating concept for the PF topic.

A planning meeting will be conducted at Nevada Test Site in support of the June CAT training.

Office of Cyber Security Evaluations (OA-20)

Perimeter Scanning Project: OA-20 personnel, in partnership with the Office of the Chief Information Officer, are continuing a special study (Perimeter Scanning Project) to map out and characterize DOE’s network perimeter. As part of this initiative, OA-20 is also offering to scan DOE networks for vulnerabilities in order that line management can address weaknesses. This effort is being undertaken to improve the Department’s protection posture. Testing has been completed for 34 DOE sites. Testing is currently ongoing at three additional sites.

Unannounced Cyber Security Penetration Testing: OA-20 has developed a draft protocol for the conduct of unannounced penetration testing of DOE computer systems. The protocol is undergoing internal office review.

Cyber Security Inspection at the Argonne National Laboratory – East (ANL-E): OA-20 conducted the initial portion of the inspection during the week of March 17. Headquarters interviews were conducted the week of March 24. Subsequent onsite inspection activities will be conducted as scheduled.

Cyber Security Inspection of the Hanford Site and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory: OA-20 conducted a scoping and initial data collection visit at the Hanford Site and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory during the week of March 24. This is part of a combined Safeguards and Security and Cyber Security Inspection. An inspection plan has been prepared for management approval. Team members will return to the Hanford Site and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory as scheduled for additional data collection activities.

Office of Emergency Management Oversight (OA-30)

OA-30 and OA-50 continue to plan for an inspection of the East Tennessee Technology Park. The inspection plan was issued this week. A planning meeting for tabletop performance tests is scheduled for April 10 and 11.

OA-30 and OA-50 have begun planning for a joint inspection of the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL). Initial contact has been made with the Idaho Operations Office, Bechtel BWXT Idaho, and the Office of Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology (NE). NE is transitioning to become the lead program secretarial office as the INEEL mission moves to expand the nuclear energy research and development programs. Inspection activities are being coordinated for the scheduled scoping visit.

Office of Environment, Safety and Health Evaluations (OA-50)

Pantex Plant Inspection: A corrective action plan was due on February 28. The NNSA site office is in the process of resolving their comments on the site contractors’ corrective actions and will soon forward an approved plan.

Sandia National Laboratory, New Mexico Inspection: The final report is being prepared for publication.

Y-12 National Security Complex Inspection: The team completed onsite inspection activities March 27. Draft report writing is in progress. Validation and closeout activities will be conducted as scheduled.

ETTP Inspection: Planning and coordination activities continue. ES&H component to the inspection plan was developed based on operational analyses, results of previous oversight evaluations and investigations, and information obtained during the scoping visit. A Germantown planning session has been scheduled to further develop the ES&H on-site activities. OA-30 has the overall lead for this inspection.

Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory Inspection: A combined ES&H and Emergency Management inspection is scheduled. A follow-up conference call with site management has been scheduled for April 24. The Director of OA-50 will participate in the call along with the Director of OA-30 (Team Leader).

AAAHC: The Sandia National Laboratories-California application for accreditation to the AAAHC was accepted and approved. The accreditation survey has been scheduled.

DOE Career Intern Program: On March 25, the OA-50 Director met with a DOE intern to discuss plans for a detail to OA-50. The intern will serve as a team member for one ES&H Inspection in FY 2003 and one in FY 2004.

An OA-50 staff member is participating in the Facility Fire Safety training being held in Las Vegas, NV.

Activities Completed

Office of Safeguards and Security Evaluations (OA-10)

Members of OA-10 management and staff presented a briefing on OA’s inspection process and lessons learned to the Security Awareness Workshop and discussed augmentation opportunities with several interested individuals.

Headquarters Security Officer: The finalized OA Headquarters Master Security Plan appendix was submitted to SO. Security container combinations were changed as a result of the departure of staff. Clearance termination action has been taken for contractors no longer requiring access to classified information.

Special Review staff completed a 100 percent inventory of internal program documents and of NNSA program documentation. All documents were accounted for and appropriate reports were rendered.

Reviewed and commented on a proposed SO policy regarding access to sensitive program information for select individuals.

An internal discussion was conducted between the physical security systems and personnel security subject matter experts to develop and assign data collection responsibilities for the access termination and badge retrieval processes.

Office of Emergency Management Oversight (OA-30)

OA-30 and OA-50 completed an inspection of Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico. Site comments on the final draft report have been addressed. The report is undergoing final review for publication.

Office of Environment, Safety and Health Evaluations (OA-50)

Occupant Emergency Plan: The revision of the OA Occupant Emergency Plan (OEP) was completed this week following a brief comment period. All comments were addressed, and the plan was changed accordingly. The revised plan was distributed to all OA personnel on March 31 via e-mail. The OEP is also electronically available on the OA "O" drive.

OA employees received a bulletin about preparations that they can take in the event of a prolonged shelter in place incident. Also OA wardens were given a brief overview of their responsibilities in the event of an emergency.

Lessons Learned Report: The report has been approved, distributed, and is posted on the OA homepage.

A response was transmitted to IG-42 concerning allegations of ongoing nuclear, environmental and safety issues at the Fernald Environmental Management Project.

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