Highlights for March 10 – 14, 2003

Activities Underway

Office of Safeguards and Security Evaluations (OA-10)

Savannah River Site (SRS) Comprehensive Inspection: Completed dispatch of additional copies of the draft report. Comments on the draft report are due to OA by March 21, 2003.

Argonne National Laboratory-East (ANL-E) Comprehensive Inspection: Conducted coordination meeting teleconference, and completed preparations for the planning meeting.

Hanford/PNNL Comprehensive Inspection: Inspection Chief meet with team members to discuss objectives of the upcoming scoping meeting and possible alternative dates for conducting large-scale performance tests.

CMPC Special Reviews: Preparations are underway for the next review, which will take place at DOE-CH and ANL-W.

Development of OA-10’s input for the 2002 lessons learned report for safeguards and security continues.

Development of the presentation to the Security Awareness Workshop (April 1, 2003) continues. The final draft will go to management by March 21.

OA-10 will review draft DOE 0471.XX, “Random Inspections of Unclassified Computers” and provide comments to OA-20.

Protective Force (PF): Internal review of proposed rules of engagement for force-on-force exercises continues, as does work on a rating concept for the PF topic.

Office of Cyber Security Evaluations (OA-20)

Perimeter Scanning Project: The special study continues to map and identify vulnerabilities in DOE computer networks. Vulnerability testing has been completed for 32 sites. Discussions are ongoing with a number of additional sites to coordinate testing activities. Nearly 1.5 million Internet Protocol addresses have been scanned to date. Site reports are under development.

Unannounced Cyber Security Penetration Testing: OA-20 has developed a draft protocol for the conduct of unannounced penetration testing of DOE computer systems. The protocol is undergoing internal office review.

Cyber Security Inspection at the Argonne National Laboratory – East (ANL-E): OA-20 has initiated planning activities for the upcoming joint Safeguards and Security and Cyber Security Inspection at ANL-E. Cyber Security Inspection at the Hanford Site: OA-20 has initiated planning activities for the upcoming joint Safeguards and Security and Cyber Security Inspection at the Hanford site. A cyber security team roster has been established. An announcement memorandum has been issued. The scoping visit has been scheduled.

Office of Emergency Management Oversight (OA-30)

OA-30 is developing an approach for a “Summary Report of Emergency Management Program Status.” Inspection data collected from 2000-2002 is being reviewed and analyzed. The results will provide the status of key sites since the OA 1999 follow-up report, identify opportunities for improvement, and provide insights for future inspection activities.

OA-30 and OA-50 continue to plan for an inspection of the East Tennessee Technology Park in late April and early May. A scoping visit was completed the week of February 24.

Office of Environment, Safety and Health Evaluations (OA-50)

Pantex Plant Inspection: A corrective action plan was due on February 28. The NNSA site office is in the process of resolving their comments on the contractors’ corrective actions and will soon forward an approved plan.

Sandia National Laboratory, NM Inspection: The site has provided factual accuracy comments and the final report is being prepared for publication.

Y-12 National Security Complex Inspection: Planning and coordination activities continue in preparation for the onsite inspection. Team planning was initiated on March 3. A meeting with NNSA managers was conducted to brief on the inspection and obtain their insights on the site.

ETTP Inspection: Planning and coordination activities continue. ES&H aspects of the inspection plan are being developed based on operational analyses, results of previous oversight evaluations, and information obtained during the scoping visit.

Lessons Learned Report: The report summarizes trends and observations from ES&H reviews since the formation of OA-50. The report was approved and is being prepared for distribution.

OA Emergency Occupant Plan Update: An update to the plan to include more explicit information on evacuation routes and assembly areas is being prepared.

Activities Completed

Office of Safeguards and Security Evaluations (OA-10)

Headquarters Security Officer (HSO) Activity: A Technical Surveillance Counter Measures briefing was presented to the OA-10 staff.

Composite Adversary Team Training: The lessons learned report for the January 2003 Composite Adversary Team training has been provided to management.

OA-10 managers supervised the filming of the new physical security video at Harvey Point, North Carolina.

OA-10 met with SO to discuss tactical entry. Additional meetings are expected to discuss SO steps to enhance policy and training.

OA-10 comments on the Argonne National Laboratory-West (ANL-W) corrective action plan have been sent to the NE.

Office of Emergency Management Oversight (OA-30)

OA-30 and OA-50 completed an inspection of Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico. Site comments on the final draft report have been addressed and the report is undergoing final editing.

The OA-30 inspection of the Office of Secure Transportation’s (NA-15) emergency management program has been postponed until October – November 2003. A formal notification memo has been sent to the Office of Secure Transportation confirming the specific inspection dates.

Office of Environment, Safety and Health Evaluations (OA-50)

Environment, Safety and Health Appraisal Process Guide: The guide has been approved and will be posted on the OA homepage. An office-wide meeting was held on March 10 to discuss the recent enhancements to the OA-50 process and to conduct a self-assessment of the process.

Assistant Secretary for Environment, Safety and Health Briefing: The Director provided a briefing summarizing the results of recent inspections at LLNL, WIPP, NTS, and Pantex.

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