Weekly Highlights for October 7 - 11, 2002


Activities Underway


Office of Safeguards and Security Evaluations (OA-10)


ANL-W Comprehensive Inspection:  The inspection team is following up on issues identified during the planning meeting conducted last week through Headquarters interviews and document reviews.  Coordination continues in advance of scheduled performance testing.


CMPC Special Reviews:  The management team has reviewed the LLNL and Nevada reports.  The revised draft reports have been forwarded to management for approval before distribution to the sites for factual accuracy review.  The next special review will be conducted at ANL-W.


Comments have been received on the draft AL/OTS inspection reports.  These comments are being reviewed and incorporated as necessary.  The interim corrective action plans have also been received, and are currently being reviewed to determine if identified issues have been adequately addressed.


LANL Comprehensive Inspection:  A document request list has been developed, and initial planning has begun in support of the performance testing to be conducted during the inspection.


Revisions have been made to the security plan for the OA classified local area network.  The plan will now be re-submitted for approval.  The test plan has been drafted and is awaiting approval of the security plan before testing will begin. 


Preparations have been completed for the NNSA iterative site analysis (ISA) at Y-12.


Office of Cyber Security Evaluations (OA-20)


OA-20 continues coordination activities with representatives in DOE’s Office of Energy Assurance to support an assessment of cyber security vulnerabilities for associated infrastructure assets under the control of an electrical power utility.  This effort is intended to support the transfer of cyber security investigation capabilities to the Office of Energy Assurance in support of the Department’s efforts to protect critical energy infrastructure assets throughout the United States.  An onsite coordination meeting was held and onsite assessment activities are scheduled.  A Performance Test Agreement for the scanning activities has been drafted. 


Planning activities were initiated for the upcoming safeguards and security inspection at the Los Alamos National Laboratory.  Team rosters and assignments have been proposed. 


Onsite inspection activities to evaluate the Chicago Operations Office cyber security program were completed.  A draft report is being prepared.


A special study (Perimeter Scanning Project) was initiated to identify vulnerabilities in DOE computer networks exposed to potential attack from the Internet.  Outreach activities to communicate the scope and objectives of the project were initiated.  An announcement memorandum with a broad distribution list has been prepared.  Significant activities are ongoing to develop technical methodologies and procedures to be used in the project.


A concept paper is under development to establish an unannounced cyber security performance testing capability within the Office. 


Office of Emergency Management Oversight (OA-30)


The onsite validation/closeout visit was conducted for the Safety and Emergency Management Inspection of the Nevada Test Site.  The final draft report was provided, and formal site comments are due October 21.  Briefings are now being scheduled for the National Nuclear Security Administration’s (NNSA) senior management.


Planning continues for the combined OA-30 and OA-50 review at Pantex.  Biweekly conference calls are occurring to coordinate the upcoming review.  An additional 2-day site visit to finalize tabletop preparation efforts is planned.


OA-30 and OA-50 are in the initial planning stages for an evaluation of the Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico.  The scoping visit is currently scheduled for October 15-17.


OA-30 and the Office of Emergency Management, NA-41, continue to have concern that the Kansas City Plant emergency management program does not have an adequate technical basis.  OA-1 met with NNSA senior management to express this concern and the potential precedent for the complex should the “necessary and sufficient process” screen out the need for hazards assessments.


Office of Environment, Safety and Health Evaluations (OA-50)


Comments received from the FMC on the revised DOE Order 470.2B, “Independent Oversight and Performance Assurance Program,” have been resolved.


The Corrective Action Plan (CAP) for the Hanford (PFP specific) safety management inspection was disapproved by EM-1 in a memorandum dated August 19, 2002.  A revised CAP was to be submitted within 30 days.


A final corrective action plan for the safety and emergency management inspection at LLNL has been requested. 


Corrective action plans for the Nevada Test Site inspection and comments on the report have been requested.


Coordination of the upcoming safety and emergency management inspection at the Pantex Plant continues.  Biweekly teleconferences are being conducted with the site to coordinate activities.


Initial discussions were held with the Office of Kirtland Site Operations and Sandia National Laboratories in preparation for the scoping visit for the safety and emergency management inspection.


Activities Completed


Office of Safeguards and Security Evaluations (OA-10)


Enhanced protocols for the conduct of OA force on force exercises have been submitted to management for review and approval.


OA-10 Director attended a meeting with NNSA to discuss potential responses to actions recommended in the Hamre report.


OA-10 met with SO to discuss a Department initiative on counter-terrorism training.


OA-10 assembled OA statistical data on classification actions completed during FY 2002 as part of the annual requirement for DOE to report to the Information Security Oversight Office.


Office of Environment, Safety and Health Evaluations (OA-50)


Comments were provided on the WIPP interim corrective action plan.


Training on 10CFR 830 was provided for OA 50 staff.


OA 50 staff completed biannual radiation worker and annual hazardous waste operations training.

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