Weekly Highlights for September 23 - 27, 2002


Activities Underway


Office of Safeguards and Security Evaluations (OA-10)


ANL-W Comprehensive Inspection:  Completed coordination with site personnel in preparation for next week’s planning meeting at ANL-W and the Chicago Operations Office. 


CMPC Special Reviews:  Headquarters and SNL-NM reports have been distributed.  Data collection activities at LLNL have been completed.  A draft report documenting the results of the LLNL review will be completed by the end of next week. 


The Protective Force (PF) inspection team leader is developing performance test standards as part of the recommendations developed by the PF working group to enhance PF inspections.


The security plan for the OA classified local area network has been forwarded to management for approval.  OA-10 continues to develop the test plan to assess the security of the LAN.  The test plan will be completed after approval of the security plan.


Preparations are underway to support the planned iterative site analysis (ISA) at Y-12.  OA-10 participated in an ISA planning meeting September 16-18, 2002.


Office of Cyber Security Evaluations (OA-20)


OA-20 has initiated coordination activities with representatives in DOE’s Office of Energy Assurance to support an assessment of cyber security vulnerabilities associated with infrastructure assets under the control of an electrical power utility.  This effort is intended to support the transfer of cyber security investigation capabilities to the Office of Energy Assurance in support the Department’s efforts to protect critical energy infrastructure assets throughout the United States.  A conference call was held this week with utility and DOE Energy Assurance support personnel to discuss the upcoming review.  An onsite coordination meeting and onsite assessment activities have been scheduled.


OA-20 personnel have initiated activities to evaluate the Chicago Operations Office cyber security program.  A performance test agreement between OA and the Chicago Operations Office has been developed.  Onsite Inspection activities begin the week of September 30, 2002.


OA-20 personnel have initiated a special study (Perimeter Scanning Project) to map and identify vulnerabilities in DOE computer networks exposed to potential attack from the Internet.  Initial project team tasks include development of a project plan, creation of a database to store scanning data, and the identification of the scope of DOE computer networks through both internal and external sources.  Comments from the Office of the Chief Information Officer on the draft project plan have been resolved.  Outreach activities to communicate the scope and objectives of the project will be initiated in the near future.  An announcement memorandum is being drafted.  Public information gathering of site IP addresses continues.  Significant activities are ongoing to develop technical methodologies and procedures to be used in the project. 


OA-20 personnel are developing a concept paper to establish unannounced cyber security performance testing capability within the Office.  This initiative is intended to provide a more real-world environment to test the security of unclassified computer networks from remote locations.


Office of Emergency Management Oversight (OA-30)


The data collection phase of the Safety and Emergency Management inspection of the Nevada Test Site was completed.  The onsite validation and closeout visit is scheduled for October 1-3.


OA-30 and OA-50 continue to plan for the combined review at Pantex that is scheduled to begin on October 28.  Biweekly conference calls are occurring to coordinate the upcoming review.  An additional 2-day site visit to finalize tabletop preparation efforts is planned for either the week of October 14 or the week of October 21.


OA-30 and OA-50 are in the initial stages of planning for an evaluation of the Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico, which is scheduled to begin in late January 2003.  The scoping visit is currently scheduled for October 15-17.


Office of Environment, Safety and Health Evaluations (OA-50)


OA-50 staff will revise the report that analyzes independent environmental protection program assessments that have been conducted at DOE facilities over the past several years.


Comments on the revised DOE Order 470.2B, “Independent Oversight and Performance Assurance Program,” were received from the FMC.  Meetings and follow-up discussions are being conducted with various organizations to seek final resolution.


The Corrective Action Plan (CAP) for the Hanford (PFR specific) safety management inspection was disapproved by EM-1 in a memorandum dated August 19, 2002.  The CAP was to be revised and resubmitted within 30 days of aforementioned memorandum.


A final corrective action plan for the ANL-East safety and emergency management inspection has been requested.  The final corrective action plan was due on August 27, 2002.


A final corrective action plan for the safety and emergency management inspection at LLNL has been requested. 


Nevada Test Site inspection activities continue with travel back to the site for validation and closeout on October 1-3.


Coordination of the upcoming safety and emergency management inspection at the Pantex Plant continues.  Biweekly teleconferences are being conducted with the site to coordinate activities.  A plan for the inspection has been drafted and submitted for OA management review.


A preliminary CAP for the WIPP safety and emergency management inspection has been received and is under review.


OA has requested an overall schedule of activities and copies of completed reports regarding the status of line actions taken to address the DNFSB concerns on the effectiveness of ISM for BJC activities at OR.  Many of the documents have been recovered, but an overall schedule is yet to be provided.  A follow-up meeting will be scheduled upon receipt of the requested documents.


Initial discussions are being held with the Office of Kirtland site operations and Sandia National Laboratories in preparation for the October 2002 scoping visit.


Activities Completed


Office of Safeguards and Security Evaluations (OA-10)


OA-10 staff met with the Office of Security to discuss proposed changes to the design basis threat.


OA-10 completed work on the OA review of the RFETS and Pantex final corrective action plans.  These reviews have been forwarded to management for approval.


OA-10 conducted training for new-force-on-force evaluators at Camp Pendleton, CA.


Office of Environment, Safety and Health Evaluations (OA-50)


The Quality Review Board for the NTS safety and emergency management inspection was conducted today, September 26, 2002.


Reviews of DOE Draft Order 460.1B, Transportation Safety, and DOE Draft Policy 454.1, Use of Institutional Controls, were completed.


A review of OA-50 office space and files was conducted to identify any documents related to the Paducah Phase 1 and 2 Investigations in support of a Subpoena to the Secretary of Energy.


A member of the OA-50 staff participated in the Criticality Safety Support Group and the Nuclear Criticality Safety Program meeting at Forrestal.


A member of the OA-50 staff participated in the Registry of Environmental Professionals re-certification program.

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