Highlights for May 27 - 31, 2002

Activities Underway

Office of Safeguards and Security Evaluations (OA-10)

Headquarters data collection activities—chiefly involving EM sources—continue for the Rocky Flats inspection, with particular emphasis on the Protection Program Management topic.

At the request of Rocky Flats, the Physical Security Systems team is developing a new safety plan for the PIDAS performance testing that will be conducted during the next phase of the inspection.

The draft personnel security special review report is being finalized for management review.

Planning continues for the Tonopah inspection, including the review of background information.

The OA-10/Eagle Research-developed modification to the BATLE neutralization computer code is being reviewed to determine its suitability as a tool to support tactical tabletop performance tests.

Planning is underway to refine the scope and focus for the upcoming OTS inspection.

The designated OA-10 representative will be participating during the next two weeks in the NNSA ISA (“table-top”) review of post 9/11 requirements for the OTS protection strategy.

Office of Cyber Security Evaluations (OA-20)

OA-20 continues to prepare for an inspection of the Rocky Flats Field Office and Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site from June 10 – 21.

Office of Emergency Management Oversight (OA-30)

OA-30 and OA-50 has initiated early planning for the Nevada Test Site inspection. A series of conference calls with NVO/NTS will be scheduled.

OA-30 and OA-50 continues to plan for the upcoming combined review at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The on-site data collection phase begins June 10.

OA-30 and OA-50 have prepared draft reports for the combined Argonne National Laboratory inspection. In addition, the draft “Summary Report” will be provided to AAO and ANL the week of June 3. OA-50 has been working with the Office of Science regarding comments to the draft report. Line management comments and a preliminary corrective action plan are due on June 6.

OA-30 staff has initiated discussions with EH-53 regarding potential enhancements to DOE Order 420.1, Facilities Safety, with respect to emergency management response needs assessments process and expectations. Further discussions are planned.

Office of Environment, Safety and Health Evaluations (OA-50)

OA-50 staff will revise the report that will analyze independent environmental protection program assessments that have been conducted at DOE facilities over the past several years.

Discussion continues between the Director of OA-50 and various site managers concerning the OA inspection team augmentation program. A Richland Operations employee will augment the LLNL team during the upcoming inspection.

Processing of the resolution of comments regarding DOE Order 470.2A is ongoing.

A corrective action plan for the Hanford safety management inspection has been requested. The plan is due on May 28. EM has requested revisions to Richland Operations Offices’ initial corrective action plan submittal. RL indicates that the final CAP may be late (mid June) and that a memo from EM-1 will be issued regarding this.

A corrective action plan for the LANL safety and emergency management inspection has been requested. The interim corrective action plan was received and is being reviewed by OA-30 and 50 staff. The final corrective action plan is due on July 23.

Factual accuracy comments on the draft Argonne National Laboratory-East safety and emergency management inspection report have been requested and are due June 5.

A report to document the results of the re-accreditation survey conducted at the Pantex Plant on May 20-21 is being drafted.

Coordination of the upcoming safety and emergency management inspection at LLNL continues.

Coordination of the upcoming safety and emergency management inspection at WIPP continues. OA-30 will provide the team leader for this inspection

The OA-50 criticality expert continues to support/participate in the Criticality Safety Support Group (CSSG).

OA has requested an overall schedule of activities and copies of completed reports regarding the status of line actions to address the DNFSB concerns regarding the effectiveness of ISM for BJC activities at ORO. A follow-up meeting will be scheduled upon receipt of the requested documents.

Coordination and exchange of management systems strategies between OA and the Nuclear Safety Directorate in the United Kingdom continue. Areas of mutual benefit include inspections and review methodologies, safety performance indicators, and training of inspectors.

Activities Completed

Office of Safeguards and Security Evaluations (OA-10)

Completed the annual training of the Composite Adversary Team at Camp Pendleton, CA. OA participants are reviewing “lessons learned.”

As a result of last weeks meeting with the SAPOC to discuss the SAP Inspection Guide and Implementation Plan, changes have been made to the Guide. These revisions are now being reviewed by the SAPOC.

Office of Emergency Management Oversight (OA-30)

The scoping visit for the combined ESH/Emergency Management WIPP inspection was accomplished the week of May 28-30.

Office of Environment, Safety and Health Evaluations (OA-50)

The LANL safety and emergency management inspection reports (Volume I and Volume II) were issued on May 30. These reports provide details to supplement the observations from the inspection.

The scoping visit in support of the WIPP inspection was completed.

A teleconference call to coordinate activities associated with the Nevada Test Site inspection was conducted on May 23.

A meeting was held on May 24 with representatives of LLNL to discuss activities associated with the upcoming inspection. On May 28, LLNL team management met with the Director Office of Facilities Management (NA-117) management to discuss roles, responsibilities, activities and insights in support of the inspection.

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