Highlights for April 1-5, 2002

Activities Underway

Office of Safeguards and Security Evaluations (OA-10)

Planning and initial data collection activities at Pantex and Albuquerque have been completed. Inspection team members are reviewing their notes and site documents as they prepare for the next on-site phase of the Pantex inspection.

Factual accuracy comments have been reviewed and the technical edit of the LLNL inspection report continues. Report should be ready for management’s review by April 12.

In conjunction with the LLNL inspection report, actions are underway to coordinate with OA-40 to develop a mechanism to expedite the inspection report preparation process.

Field data collection activities in support of the Personnel Security Special Review were concluded this week at the Savannah River Site. Additional Headquarters interviews will be conducted the week of April 8 and preparation of the draft report will begin April 29.

Inspection reports from 1989 to 2002 have been loaded onto a passport and can now be searched for key phrases, findings and ratings. Beta testing of the search engine is ongoing. Actions are ongoing to load cyber security reports onto this hard drive.

A staff member is currently completing the CMPC correspondence course in preparation for attendance at more advanced CMPC training at the Central Training Academy as part of a cross-training program to expand the expertise of the inspection staff.

Awaiting response from the SAPOC on the latest revisions to the SAP Inspection Implementation Plan.

Office of Cyber Security Evaluations (OA-20)

OA-20 continues to prepare for an inspection of the Office of Amarillo Site Operations (OASO) and Pantex Plant (PX).

Office of Emergency Management Oversight (OA-30)

OA-30 completed corrective action follow-up activities at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. OA-30 observed the annual emergency response exercise conducted on March 13 and line management self-assessment program activities conducted the week of March 18. A trip report documenting the observation results was finalized and will be distributed the week of April 8.

The OA-30 Review of Headquarters Facility Emergency Response Plans was distributed March 26. The Office of Management, Budget, and Evaluation (ME) have offered to meet with OA to provide an update of actions taken to improve Headquarters facility readiness assurance.

OA-30 and OA-50 continue to plan for the combined Argonne National Laboratory-East inspection to be conducted in May 2002. Weekly conference calls are occurring to coordinate supplemental document request and inspection plan development. The OA team leader will attend a meeting with local stakeholders on April 10 to explain the OA role of independent oversight. Planning for emergency management performance tests will be conducted the week of April 15.

OA-30 will be returning to Los Alamos National Laboratory April 9-11 for factual accuracy validation of the Independent Oversight Inspection of Environment, Safety, and Health and Emergency Management reports. A close-out briefing with senior site managers will be conducted on April 11.

Office of Management and Information Resources (OA-40)


Office of Environment, Safety and Health Evaluations (OA-50)

OA-50 staff performed an analysis of the results of independent assessments of DOE environmental protection programs that have been conducted over the last several years. A draft analysis report has been developed to communicate common strengths and weaknesses in the implementation of environmental monitoring, surveillance and control programs at DOE sites. Several policy issues affecting DOE environmental performance have also been identified. The draft analysis report was reviewed by the Office of Environmental Policy and Assistance (EH-41) and discussed during a meeting on March 7, 2002. The draft report is being revised.

Discussion continues between the Director of OA-50 and various site managers on the Augmentation Program.

Efforts are continuing to revise the ES&H Appraisal Process Guide to make it compatible with OA ES&H mission and directives including DOE O 470.2A and OA management directions. A draft report has been compiled and is being reviewed by OA-50 management.

OA-50 staff is continuing coordination activities with EH on ISM policies, guides, FRAM, QA Order, ORR Order, and AI Order.

OA-50 is reviewing comments submitted by the LPSOs and the DNFSB on the revision to DOE Order 470.2A to reflect the transfer of ES&H from EH to OA. The open comment period, using the RevCom process, ended on Feb 23rd.

The LANL inspection is a combined inspection with OA-30. The onsite data collection was completed on March 28, 2002. The team began drafting the report and will return to the site on April 9, 2002, for validation and closeout.

The OA-50 criticality expert continues to support/participate in the Criticality Safety Support Group (CSSG). Activities include guidance on critical experiments and interpretation of results.

The Argonne National Laboratory-East (ANL-E) inspection is a combined review with OA-30 with the OA-30 Director leading the review. The ANL-E Evaluation Plan has been issued.

A scoping memorandum for the LLNL inspection was issued and a meeting is scheduled with LLNL and OAK on April 9, 2002, to complete planning activities for the scoping visit.

Activities Completed

Office of Safeguards and Security Evaluations (OA-10)

Response to the LLNL preliminary corrective action plan has been developed and provided to management for approval.

Information points have been prepared concerning the Tonopah protection program for OA-1.

Completed pre-CAT training logistics meeting at Camp Pendleton.

Revised the OA classified network implementation plan in response to recently identified installation issues.

Office of Cyber Security Evaluations (OA-20)

OA-20 completed a cyber security assessment of a petroleum pipeline distribution system as part of a Departmental pilot initiative to identify vulnerabilities associated with the national energy critical infrastructure. OA-20 is working with the Office of Energy Assurance on this initiative. A report is being developed to document the assessment.

Office of Emergency Management Oversight (OA-30)


Office of Management and Information Resources (OA-40)


Office of Environment, Safety and Health Evaluations (OA-50)

EH and EM senior managers were briefed on the results of the Hanford Inspection of ES&H. The report was issued on March 27, 2002.

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