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Food Law Alumni Group


Book of Student Papers
This web book provides well-deserved recognition to student scholarship in food law


Enroll for IFLR Courses as Workshops
Information on this new
course is available here


Food Regulation Textbook 


More IFLR News


Welcome to the Institute for Food Laws and Regulations (IFLR) at Michigan State University.  IFLR sponsors education on international food laws and regulation.


Our lead program is the International Food Law Internet Certificate Program, 2003 winner of the Excellence Award in College and University Distance Education from the American Distance Education Consortium. This Internet distance education program consists of a series of international food law courses taught completely over the Internet by an international network of food science, academic, and legal professionals, who understand the legal complexities of the food laws and how they impact the flow of food and agricultural products across national boundaries.


Advancing Knowledge.  Transforming Lives.

Institute for Food Laws and Regulations
404 Agriculture Hall
Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan 48824

Telephone: 517/355-8295       Fax: 517/432-1492
Email:             IFLR vCard Outlook vCard


The current college course offered are:


Sponsored by

College of Agriculture
and Natural Resources


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