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We the People Bookshelf

Created equal theme image, Lincoln dancing with Lady Liberty

2008-2009: Created Equal. "Image courtesy of Julie Paschkis - www.juliepaschkis.com

We the People Bookshelf Themes:


The We the People Bookshelf at EDSITEment


EDSITEment and the National Endowment for the Humanities, offers resources to help libraries apply for and use their We the People Bookshelf collections.

2008-2009: Created Equal

The "Created Equal" Bookshelf Theme

The American nation, observed Abraham Lincoln, was “conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.”

The “Created Equal” Bookshelf provides opportunities for young people to explore what the Revolutionary generation meant when it declared that “all men are created equal.” What challenges has America faced, and where has it shown progress, in its efforts to live up to the ideal of universal human equality? How did Abraham Lincoln, whose bicentennial we celebrate in 2009, contribute to the idea and the reality of human equality in America?

Grades K-3

The Ugly Duckling Hans Christian Andersen

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The Gettysburg Address Abraham Lincoln

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Pink Y Say Patricia Polacco

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Grades 4-6

Saturnalia Paul Fleischman

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Give Me Liberty! The Story of the Declaration of
Russell Freedman

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Lincoln: A Photobiography Russell Freedman

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Many Thousand Gone: African Americans from
Slavery to Freedom
Virginia Hamilton

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Lyddie Katherine Paterson

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Grades 7-8

Elijah of Buxton Christopher Paul Curtis

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Freedom Walkers: The Story of the Montgomery
Bus Boycott
Russell Freedman

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Abraham Lincoln the Writer: A Treasury of His Greatest
Speeches and Letters
ed. by Harold Holzer

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Breaking Through Francisco Jiménez

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Grades 9-12

Abigail Adams: Witness to a Revolution Natalie S. Bober

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That All People May Be One People, Send Rain to Wash the
Face of the Earth
Nez Perce Chief Joseph

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Flowers for Algernon Daniel Keyes

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Lincoln’s Virtues: An Ethical Biography William Lee Miller

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Amistad: A Novel David Pesci

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