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Subcommittee Chairman Vic Snyder

Military Personnel Subcommittee Hearing

Overview of Recruiting and Retention

February 15, 2007

February 15, 2007

“Today the Subcommittee will turn its attention to recruiting and retention—two programs that are of vital importance to the future combat capability of our military forces.  This is a very challenging recruiting and retention environment and we believe that the strength of the civilian job market and the continuing high operations tempo in the War on Terrorism will cause the environment to remain difficult during fiscal year 2007 and in the years that follow.


“As you might expect, the Subcommittee is concerned about the need to achieve the number of new recruits needed to meet mission requirements, particularly now that the President has endorsed increased end strengths for the Army and the Marine Corps.  However, the Subcommittee has become increasingly troubled that the proper balance between recruit numbers and recruit quality has not been maintained and that recruit quality has suffered in some areas.  


“Finally, the Subcommittee is very concerned that recruiting and retention programs are fully funded in a timely manner because we have learned that these programs cannot be salvaged with funding at the 11th hour.  Recruiting and retention programs must be planned and executed over time and full funding must be made available as early as possible.


“During fiscal years 2006 and 2007, the Congress and Department of Defense partnered to authorize a wide array of increased recruiting and retention incentives and more flexible legislative authorities.  Part of our purpose today is to reaffirm that the partnership will continue to revamp legislative authorities and add resources to meet the challenges that lie ahead.


“Mr. McHugh, did you have any comments?”

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