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Statement of

Subcommittee Chairman Vic Snyder

Military Personnel Subcommittee Hearing with

Groups Representing Service Members, their Families and Veterans

March 1, 2007

“Let me welcome our witnesses, we appreciate you all being here today.  Today’s hearing includes representatives from the various military advocacy and beneficiary groups.  This year, we have asked the organizations to testify on a broad range of programs and policies that impact service member, retirees and their families.  Normally, these organizations would be afforded the opportunity to share their views on the specific topic at individual hearings, while helpful, it did not insight into the full spectrum of issues that they support nor did it allow understanding of the priorities among the programs and policies being sought. 

“This hearing will allow members of the Subcommittee to hear first hand the challenges that are being faced on the ground, and areas in which these organizations believe Congress should focus its attention.  I hope that this hearing will provide members the opportunity to learn of the broad range of concerns being raised, and will keep these issues in mind as the Subcommittee continues its oversight activities during the rest of the year. 

“Lady and gentlemen, welcome, I would ask that you testify in the order that I stated.  Mr. McHugh, do you have any comments that you wish to make?”


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