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House Armed Services Committee
Chairman Ike Skelton
Opening Statement
Hearing on the Threat Posed by Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack
July 10, 2008

 “Good morning, the committee meets today to receive testimony on the threat of an electromagnetic pulse – EMP – attack.

 “I want to welcome our distinguished witness, Dr. William Graham, the Chairman of the Commission that has been assessing this threat.  We look forward to your testimony on this important issue.

 “The potential damage that could be caused by an EMP attack on the United States is significant, and the House Armed Services Committee has long treated this matter seriously.  It was this committee that pushed for the authorization of the Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from EMP Attack, as part of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2001. 

 “And the committee was pivotal in the re-establishment of the Commission in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006.  My colleague Mr. Bartlett, Ranking Member of the Seapower and Expeditionary Forces Subcommittee, deserves special credit for being dogged in his attention to these issues. 

 “The committee held a hearing on the EMP threat in July 2004, following the release of the Commission’s Executive Report.  With the Commission expected to submit its final report by November 30th of this year, we viewed it as timely to have the Commission testify again. 

 “I do want to note for the record that we invited the Department of Defense (DOD) to testify at this hearing. The offer was declined.  The Department indicated that an assessment of the EMP threat will be provided to the Commission by the DOD later this month, and the Department prefers to discuss the threat following the release of that threat assessment. 

 “I am disappointed we couldn’t have the Department here today, but I understand their reservations.  And the committee will work to arrange a forum for the Department to present its views, when the timing is appropriate. 

 “With that, I am certainly interested to hear your testimony, Dr. Graham.  However, before we begin testimony, I want to turn to my friend from California, Duncan Hunter, for any statement he may wish to make.”

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