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Profession of Agrology

The Profession of Agrology is regulated in Canada by provincial legislation. Each provincial institute of agrologists, and l'ordre des agronomes du Québec in the province of Quebec, are charged with regulating the profession of Agrology.

The legislation governing agrology in Canada the agrologist acts - vary from province to province and each institute has their own membership criteria, fees and standards.

Professional Agrologists choose a variety of career paths. They work in research as scientists or lab technologists, in education as professors and trainers, in industry sales and consulting positions, with financial institutions as bank managers, credit advisors or market analysts, as farmers, and even as politicians.

Each PAg, regardless of where they practice in Canada must:

  • be of good character
  • abide by a common Code of Ethics
  • have a university degree in agriculture or an equivalent, hold a degree in a related field, or in some provinces be able to pass rigorous prescribed examinations
  • have the required relevant experience depending on one's area of expertise.