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22-8. Physical education requirement in schools

Physical Activity in Children and Adolescents

22-8. Increase the proportion of the Nation's public and private schools that require daily physical education for all students.
Target and baseline:
Objective Increase in Schools Requiring Daily
Physical Activity for All Students
22-8a. Middle and junior high school 6.41 9.42
22-8b. Senior high schools 5.83 14.54
Target setting method: 47 percent improvement for middle and junior high schools; 150 percent improvement for senior high schools.
Data source : School Health Policies and Programs Study (SHPPS), CDC, NCCDPHP.
1 (Baseline and baseline year revised from 17 and 1994 after November 2000 publication)
2 (Target revised from 25 because of baseline revision after November 2000 publication)
3 (Baseline and baseline year revised from 2 and 1994 after November 2000 publication)
4 (Target revised from 5 because of baseline revision after November 2000 publication)

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