Purchase UDM - One Page Checkout

For charities, educational institutions, and personal non-commercial use, UDM is free. For all other users commercial licensing is required. If you're not sure whether your use counts as non-commercial, please refer to the non-commercial terms of use for details.

Select a License Type:

Select License Type Description Price
Use UDM4 on as many sites as you want for a small monthly fee. view more $19.95 / month
Use UDM4 on a single web site or domain. view more $29.95
Use UDM4 on up to 10 web sites or domains. view more $149.95
Use UDM4 on unlimited domains and web sites. view more $299.95
Get Phone support and guaranteed 1 business day response. view more $150 / hour

Extended Download

Terms of Service

Add on Support Hours ($150 / hr)

Payment and Billing Information

Coupon Code

We accept Visa and Mastercard

If you prefer, you may pay using pay pal. Just click on the button below:

Subscription License

Save money on UDM by purchasing a subscription license. Great for companies that have multiple web sites, or companies that need more technical support with their purchase. With a subscription license you get priority phone support access, and the ability to use UDM4 on as many sites as you wish. You will be billed monthly until you cancel your subscription. See Terms of use for more information.

Single Site License

A single site license is perfect for an individual web site, blog, shopping cart or other single online entity. You may use a single site license to cover subdomains, and subdirectories of a single domain so long as they are all part of the same entity. For example, if you own www.example.com, you may use a single license to cover "admin.example.com" and "www.example.com/some_directory". However, if "admin.example.com" is a different site, then you must purchase either a separate license, or an unlimited for that subdomain.

Developer 10-pack

Web Developers and other Internet development companies will benefit by purchasing 10 licenses at one time. Doing so allows you to save significantly over purchasing licenses individually.


Unlimited licenses are designed for companies with a vast network of online entities. Whether these are multiple intranet sites, or multiple public web sites, this license is designed to be used with any and all online entities that company may have.

The prices shown are listed in US Dollars (USD).


We accept Visa and Mastercard

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UDM 4 is valid XHTML, and in our judgement, meets the criteria for WAI Triple-A conformance.


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