Accessibility information

This page has general accessibility information for the UDM website. If you would like to know more about the accessibility of the menu product itself, please visit the accessibility tests page.


Each page is properly grouped with headings - if your browser or reader has a "headings-reading mode" or equivalent, you can use this to skip through the major sections of any page.

This mode can also help with using the site navigation bar - the navbar is a heirarchical list, with nested lists (sub-menus) inside; it has a level-two heading Site navigation just before it, while each of the top-level links is a level-three heading.

Keyboard navigation for screenreaders and other serial browsers

For screenreaders and other serial browsers, all the links, forms and text on this site should be as accessible with the keyboard (or equivalent pointing/actuating device) as they are with the mouse. You can navigate using Tab and Enter, or whatever commands you would normally use. Groups of related links are generally organised into lists.

Custom keyboard navigation for graphical browsers

In any Mozilla browser, Safari 1.2, or Windows Internet Explorer 5 or 6: Press F12 to jump onto the navbar, then move around the menus with the arrow keys. You can activate a link by pressing Enter as normal, or jump back onto the page with F12 again.

In Opera 7 or later: You can move around the navbar and menus using the A and Q [anchor navigation] keys, or using Spatial Navigation (hold down Shift then use the arrow keys to move around the page in two-dimensions; support for spatial navigation is not perfect, but it's pretty good). You can activate a link by pressing the Enter key as normal.

In Opera 8: You can also navigate the menus using relevant voice commands, such as "previous/next link", "open link", and the "move" commands of spatial navigation.

In Konqueror 3.2 or later: You can move around the navbar and menus using the Tab key, and activate a link with the Enter key as normal.

In other browsers you can still navigate the main bar using Tab and Enter, or whatever keystrokes you would normally use.

Hotkey preferences

If you want to change the F12 hotkey you can do so using the form below:


Text size

If you find that the text is too small for you to read, you can change it to a size you're more comfortable with:

Page styles

All the styling in the main site uses Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), which you can override or replace with your own.


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UDM 4 is valid XHTML, and in our judgement, meets the criteria for WAI Triple-A conformance.


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