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16-18. Fetal alcohol syndrome

Prenatal Substance Exposure

16-18. (Developmental) Reduce the occurrence of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS).
Potential data source: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Network (FASNet), CDC, NCEH.
16-18. (Developmental) Reduce the occurrence of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS).
Target: 0.1 cases per 1,000 live births.
Baseline: Fetal alcohol syndrome occurred in 0.4 per 1,000 live births* in 1995–97.
Target setting method: Better than the best.
Potential dData source : Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Surveillance Network (FASSNet), CDC, NCEHNCBDDD.
* Based on data from Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, and New York.
16-18. Reduce the occurrence of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS).
Target: 0.1 cases per 1,000 live births.
Baseline: Fetal alcohol syndrome occurred in 0.4 per 1,000 live births* in 1995–97.
Target setting method: Better than the best.
Data source : Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Surveillance Network (FASSNet), CDC, NCBDDD.
* Based on data from Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, and New York.

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