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   Promote to Full Member

Member Services » Promote to Full Member

Promote to Full Member

An Associate Member who meets the requirements for Full Membership can be promoted. Please see the Qualifications for Membership for more information.

Full Members enjoy participating in ways that are unavailable to Associate Members. Full Member privileges include:

  • Able to nominate others to the Society
  • Eligible to vote at Sigma Xi's annual Assembly of Delegates
  • Voting rights on Sigma Xi committees
  • Qualified to join the Board of Directors
Promotion is conferred by your chapter or by the Committee on Qualifications and Membership. Choose whichever is most convenient.

Promotion by a chapter (Paper only)
Please fill out the nomination form (Word or PDF) and present it to any officer of the selected chapter.

To locate a chapter officer, call Sigma Xi at 919-549-4691, 800-243-6534, e-mail membership@sigmaxi.org or consult the online chapter listing.

Promotion by the Committee on Qualifications and Membership (Paper or online)
Please use the online nomination form.

Alternatively, fill out the nomination form (Word or PDF) and mail it to Membership, Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society, P.O. Box 13975, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA, or fax to 919-549-0090.

The Committee will act as first and second nonimator or if a first nominator is included on the form, the Committee can act as second nominator.


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