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clubs and organizations

A.B.I.S. Agriculture Ambassadors Alpha Gamma Sigma American Sign Language ClubBiological Sciences Society Black Students Union Centerpoint SRJC Chess Club Circle K InternationalDental Hygiene Club The Engineering ClubFencing ClubGreen from Within Club International Students Club, Petaluma Jewish Student Union Judo Club The Karate ClubLesbians on Campus Life on Campus Lutherans on Campus M.E.Ch.A., Petaluma M.E.Ch.A., Santa Rosa Medical Marijuana Educators ClubPlayer's Club Puente Cub, Petaluma Robotics Club Ron Paul for President 2008 Social Dance Club Sonoma County Constitutionalists Spirit Team Tai Chi Club Workers of Faith Women in Science
& Engineering (W.I.S.E.)

clubs collage

A.B.I.S. (Acquired Brain Injured Students) The purpose of ABIS is to provide support for students with acquired brain injuries, education and awareness of issues for ABIS, group activities and motivation to maintain good health, nutrition and exercise required for academic success and a productive, happy life.

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AGRICULTURE AMBASSADORS The purpose of Agriculture Ambassadors shall be to promote Agriculture on the SRJC campus and also provide a place for people who are interested in Ag to meet and exchange ideas.

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ALPHA GAMMA SIGMA, “Theta Chapter” (A.G.S.) Alpha Gamma Sigma is the California Community College scholastic honor society with chapters on most of the campuses in the statewide Community College system. The purposes of this organization are to foster excellence in scholarship: to promote cultural, social, and enrichment activities as part of the total college experience, to provide service to the college and to the community, and to emphasize the development of leadership, character, and judgment. Each semester Chapter Theta awards the Henry Baker Sr. Service Award of $100 to the member who has accumulated the most points by participation in Alpha Gamma Sigma’s service, fund raising, and social activities with three “runners up” Theta Chapter Scholarships of $75.00, $50.00, and $25.00. Also, Chapter Theta offers the Linda Medsker Honors Scholarship of $100.00. You must meet all criteria as specified in the application packet. This scholarship can be received concurrent with the Henry Baker Sr. Service Award or Theta Chapter Awards. Highlights of the year usually include the Fall Regional Conference, the Spring State Convention, Day Under the Oaks, and our club socials in the Spring and Fall. Criteria for membership are as follows: a.) continuing or returning students - a completion of at least 12 college units with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, or b.) students new to college - a lifetime membership in the California Scholarship Federation (CSF) in high school. Look for membership information in the Bear Facts or at the Student Affairs Office.

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AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE CLUB The purpose of the A.S.L. Club shall be to learn and practice A.S.L. and to meet with other students interested in learning and practicing A.S.L.

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BEAR CUB CHEM CLUB The purpose of the Bear Cub Chem Club shall be to inform and introduce students to current events and opportunities dealing with chemistry. Guest speakers and field trips to ACS meetings will help enrich our chemical education.

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BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES SOCIETY The purpose of the Biological Sciences Society shall be to promote a friendly, student-based community, devoted solely to the biological sciences. It shall provide opportunity for expanded insights into the vast biological world through involved discussion, stimulating lectures, and scientific literature, as well as practical applications found only through microscopy and dissection. This club shall be devoted to promoting vital biological education throughout the SRJC campus and through mentoring situations in local schools. Finally, this club shall engage in ongoing investigation into biological processes taking place in our surrounding habitat. When deemed necessary, this club shall aid in biological restoration and advancement throughout our community.

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BLACK STUDENTS UNION The purpose of the Black Students Union is to advocate for black students on campus. Contact: Korissa at 707-545-2124.

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CENTERPOINT SRJC The purpose of Centerpoint SRJC shall be to provide a space for those of all religious backgrounds, or none at all, to explore spirituality together, in order to learn more about one another’s beliefs and to inspire tolerance and joint worship while laying the foundation for coexistence. Contact: Benjamin at 707-526-5201.

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CHESS CLUB The purpose of the Chess Club will be open to anyone with an interest and commitment to chess. Contact: Aaron at 707-293-6661.

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CIRCLE K INTERNATIONAL Our purpose is to involve the students of Santa Rosa Junior College in various on campus and community service projects. Our goal is to promote quality leaders and citizens.

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DENTAL HYGIENE 2008 The purpose of the Dental Hygiene Club shall be to have a forum for organizing fundraisers and community events in order to do more widespread dental related research and education.

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THE ENGINEERING CLUB The Engineering Club (T.E.C.) is for anyone interested in participating in projects, community service, fund raising, and/or recreational activities with an emphasis on engineering ideas. The club caters to anyone who desires to associate with other students with similar majors. Students interested in Engineering, Civil Engineering, Technologies, Physics, Chemistry, Math, Electronics, Architecture, or any other science or technical related field is urged to come and check us out. Past activities have included field trips, guest speakers and parties.

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FENCING CLUB Our goal is to provide students the opportunity to learn and participate in the sport of fencing.

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GREEN FROM WITHIN CLUB Our mission is to build community through conscious campus events and action. Contact Nicole Marie Caughell or 707-527-4571.

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INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS CLUB, PETALUMA The purpose of the International Students Club of Petaluma is to raise cross cultural awareness and understanding. Contact: Sina at 707-360-7957.

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JEWISH STUDENT UNION The purpose of the Jewish Student Union shall be to actively support Jewish life on campus. J.S.U. events range from weekly Shabbat dinners to guest speakers and movies to social gatherings and are held both on campus and in the community.

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JUDO CLUB The purpose is to provide members the opportunity to build lifetime leadership skills, host tournaments, and clinics. The club has youth outreach programs in conjunction with the Santa Rosa Martial Arts Academy.

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THE KARATE CLUB The purpose of the Karate Club is to provide a way for students of Karate to socialize with one another and improve our techniques in preparation for tournaments and belt exams.

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LESBIANS ON CAMPUS The purpose of the club shall be to focus on the fallacy through radical, ethical feminism.

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LIFE ON CAMPUS The purpose of the Life On Campus Club shall be to worship God, work in the community and witness to the community the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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LUTHERANS ON CAMPUS The purpose of Lutherans on Campus is to examine the roots and consequences of the Protestant Reformation. We recognize that Luther's vision was one of understanding and compassion for the masses. He saw literacy as the key to freedom from religious and political oppression.

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M.E.Ch.A., Petaluma The purpose of M.E.Ch.A., Petaluma is to promote higher education and support community events and cultural awareness. Contact Marina Lira 707-778-3641.

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M.E.Ch.A., Santa Rosa The purpose of M.E.Ch.A., Petaluma is to promote higher education and support community events and cultural awareness.

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MEDICAL MARIJUANA EDUCATORS CLUB The purpose of the Medical Marijuana Educators Club shall be to educate and share information with students about medical marijuana.

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PHILOSOPHY CLUB The purpose of SRJC Philosophy will be to encourage philosophical discussion.

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PRISON CAMPUS The purpose of Prison Campus is to advocate for incarcerated students in the California prison system. Students of this club accomplish this by networking with different programs that are already established in the prison system and by pulling resources from the community.

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PLAYER'S CLUB The purpose of the Player’s Club shall be to provide opportunities for people interested in expanding their theatre experience in multiple domains of theatre.

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PUENTE CUB, PETALUMA The purpose of Puente Petaluma is to help Puentistas students to do better in school and provide a better understanding of the Latino culture. Contact: Marina Lira 778-3641 or leave a message for Omar.

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RON PAUL FOR PRESIDENT 2008 The purpose of the Ron Paul for President 2008 organization shall be to rally grassroots support at the S.R.J.C. and the community of Sonoma County for Dr. Ron Paul in order to win the Republican primary nomination and win the presidency.

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ROBOTICS CLUB The purpose of the Robotics Club shall be to provide a further understanding of robotics to its members and the community.

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SOCIAL DANCE CLUB The purpose of the club shall be to provide an easy and inexpensive means to spread knowledge of social dance and to provide a venue to practice and perform.

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SONOMA COUNTY CONSTITUTIONALISTS The purpose of Sonoma County Constitutionalists shall be to educate the SRJC students about the constitution, their rights, what threatens the constitution now and what actions can be taken to stop it. The club focuses on Jeffersonian republicanism and the traditional conservative values of limited government, states’ rights, and low taxation. The club values a return to constitutional law. Contact: Ian at 530-574-1592.

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SPIRIT TEAM The purpose of the spirit team shall be to promote school spirit on campus and in the community.

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STUDENT VOLUNTEER ASSOCIATION (S.V.A.) The Social Dance Club is dedicated to bringing swing dancing to people who otherwise wouldn't have known about it. Monthly dances and meetings once a week during Spring and Fall semesters at the Santa Rosa Junior College. We have LOADS of fun teaching dance and dancing the night away. Everyone is welcome so we hope to see you soon!

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TAI CHI CLUB The purpose of the Tai Chi Club shall be to learn and practice Tai Chi in order to promote the art, philosophy, and benefits of it in the SRJC campus community. Contact: Justin at 707-338-2233.

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WOMEN IN SCIENCE & ENGINEERING (W.I.S.E.) The purpose of the club shall be to encourage and support women in the academic science fields.

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WORKERS OF FAITH (formerly Intervarsity Christian Fellowship) The purpose of the Workers of Faith club shall be to seek understanding and practice God’s concern for the world. Workers of Faith is affiliated with Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship.

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