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Novartis Research and Development (R&D)

Novartis Research and Development (R&D)

Pharmaceutical Development

About Novartis Pharmaceutical Development

Novartis Pharmaceutical Development is responsible for taking innovative drug candidates from the Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research – or from licensing partners – and proving them to be safe, effective, high-quality therapies with superior value to patients. We currently have approximately 140 projects in our Pharmaceuticals pipeline.



Novartis Pharmaceutical Development organization

Development at Novartis is truly a worldwide endeavor. Our key development facilities are in the following locations: Basel (Switzerland), East Hanover, New Jersey and Cambridge, Massachusetts (US), Horsham (UK), Hyderabad (India), Shanghai and Changshu (China), Tokyo (Japan) and Rueil (France). More than 8500 associates work for Novartis Pharmaceutical Development.


Drug development process

Our products

We are a leader in offering medicines to protect health, cure disease and improve well-being.

Patient groups

Novartis and patient groups

Our commitment to high-quality healthcare has led to partnerships between Novartis and patient groups.