Michigan State University Extension
Ornamental Plants plus Version 3.0 - 00000038

Achillea millefolium--Common Yarrow

Hardiness Zone: 3 to 10
Height: 2 ft Spacing: 24 in
Type: herbaceous perennial
Flowers: Pink, white, red

Comments: Common Yarrow has fern-like (Vis. 2) foliage and
can be used as cut flowers. The species has pink flowers
but cultivars can provide white or red blooms. They grow in
ordinary garden soil and full sun. Cut off old flowers to
prolong the flowering period. Achillea may become a weed
if not controlled.

Propagation: Divide in the spring. The seed germinates
in 2 weeks at temperatures between 65 and 75 degrees.
Light is necessary for seed germination. Germination time
indoors may be as little as 5 to 7 days.

Cultivars: Many of the cultivars listed are actually
hybrids. They are listed together here as a convenience.
A number of those listed are Galaxy Hybrids and are the
result of a cross between A. millefolium and A. taygetea.
x 'Anthea' - Light yellow flowers.
'Appleblossom' ('Apfelblute') - Galaxy Hybrid - Clear
pink flowers (Vis. 3).
'The Beacon' ('Fanal') - Galaxy Hybrid - Crimson red
'Feuerland' ('Fireland') - Red flowers fade to pink
then to gold.
'Great Expectations'('Hoffnung') -Galaxy Hybrid -
Sandstone yellow flowers, 2 feet tall when in bloom.
'Heidi' - Bright pink-red flowers (Vis. 4).
'Lavender Deb' - Pale lavender flowers.
x 'Moonshine' - (A. clypeolata X A. taygetea) - Sulphur
yellow flowers and silvery-gray green foliage are the
main ornamental traits. Less aggressive than other
cultivars (Vis. 1).
'New White' - A Powell's Gardens selection with clear
white flowers.
x 'Paprika' - Ruby-red flowers on 2 foot tall stems.
'Pink Deb' - Another Powell's Gardens selection but
with lavender flowers.
'Red Beauty' - Bright, purplish red flowers (Vis. 5).
var. roseum - Pink flowers on stems reaching 18 inches.
var. roseum 'Cerise Queen' - Red flowers.
'Salmon Beauty' ('Lachsschoenheit') - Galaxy Hybrid -
Light salmon pink flowers, 3 feet tall when in
'Snowsport' - White flowers on 18-inch stems.
'Summer Pastels' - A mixture (Vis. 6) that produces
flowers in white, cream, lemon, yellow, salmon, orange
and red.
'Summer Wine' - Burgundy-red flowers fade as they age.
x 'Tera Cotta' - The flowers emerge pinkish-yellow and
become brownish-orange.
'Wesser River Sandstone' - Deep rose-pink flowers with
strong stems.
'White Beauty' - White flowers.

References for Cultivars: Walters Gardens 1999, Wayside
Gardens 1996, Bailey Nurseries 1999, Weston Nurseries
1999, Lake County Nursery 1999, White Flower Farm 1999,
Monrovia Nursery Company 1997, Sheridan Nurseries 1999,
Ray Wiegand's Nursery 1999, Studebaker Nurseries 1998,
Scarff's Nursery 1999, Midwest Groundcovers 1999, Willoway
Nurseries 1999.

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