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8.   Environmental Health

Goal: Promote health for all through a healthy environment.

Objective numbers in bold with an asterisk (*) indicate the objectives with proposed change(s).

Objective Number Objective Short Title
Outdoor Air Quality
8-1Harmful air pollutants
8-2*Alternative modes of transportation
8-3Cleaner alternative fuels
8-4Airborne toxins
Water Quality
8-5Safe drinking water
8-6Waterborne disease outbreaks
8-7Water conservation
8-8*Surface water health risks
8-9*Beach closings
8-10*Fish contamination
Toxics and Waste
8-11Elevated blood lead levels in children
8-12Risks posed by hazardous sites
8-13Pesticide exposures
8-14*Toxic pollutants
8-15Recycled municipal solid waste
Healthy Homes and Healthy Communities
8-16*Indoor allergens
8-17*Office building air quality
8-18Homes tested for radon
8-19Radon-resistant new home construction
8-20*School policies to protect against environmental hazards
8-21*Disaster preparedness plans and protocols
8-22Lead-based paint testing
8-23*Substandard housing
Infrastructure and Surveillance
8-24*Exposure to pesticides
8-25*Exposure to heavy metals and other toxic chemicalsheavy metals, pesticides, and selected environmental chemicals
8-26*Information systems used for environmental health
8-27*Monitoring environmentally related diseases
8-28*Local agencies using surveillance data for vector control
Global Environmental Health
8-29Global burden of disease
8-30Water quality in the U.S.–Mexico border region

Display all objectives in Focus Area 8.

Read Healthy People focus area 8 Environmental Health in Healthy People 2010.

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