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19.   Nutrition and Overweight

Goal: Promote health and reduce chronic disease associated with diet and weight.

Objective numbers in bold with an asterisk (*) indicate the objectives with proposed change(s).

Objective Number Objective Short Title
Weight Status and Growth
19-1Healthy weight in adults
19-2Obesity in adults
19-3Overweight or obesity in children and adolescents
19-4Growth retardation in children
Food and Nutrient Consumption
19-5Fruit intake
19-6Vegetable intake
19-7Grain product intake
19-8Saturated fat intake
19-9Total fat intake
19-10Sodium intake
19-11Calcium intake
Iron Deficiency and Anemia
19-12Iron deficiency in young children and in females of childbearing age
19-13Anemia in low-income pregnant females
19-14Iron deficiency in pregnant females
Schools, Worksites, and Nutrition Counseling
19-15*Meals and snacks at school
19-16Worksite promotion of nutrition education and weight management
19-17Nutrition counseling for medical conditions
Food Security
19-18Food security

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