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16.   Maternal, Infant, and Child Health

Goal: Improve the health and well-being of women, infants, children, and families.

Objective numbers in bold with an asterisk (*) indicate the objectives with proposed change(s).

Objective Number Objective Short Title
Fetal, Infant, Child, and Adolescent Deaths
16-1Fetal and infant deaths
16-2Child deaths
16-3Adolescent and young adult deaths
Maternal Deaths and Illnesses
16-4Maternal deaths
16-5*Maternal illness and complications due to pregnancy
Prenatal Care
16-6Prenatal care
16-7*Childbirth classes
Obstetrical Care
16-8Very low birth weight infants born at level III hospitals
16-9Cesarean births
Risk Factors
16-10Low birth weight and very low birth weight
16-11Preterm births
16-12Weight gain during pregnancy
16-13Infants put to sleep on their backs
Developmental Disabilities and Neural Tube Defects
16-14*Developmental disabilities
16-15Spina bifida and other neural tube defects
16-16Optimum folic acid levels
Prenatal Substance Exposure
16-17Prenatal substance exposure
16-18*Fetal alcohol syndrome
Breastfeeding, Newborn Screening, and Service Systems
16-20*Newborn bloodspot screening
16-21*Sepsis among children with sickle cell disease
16-22*Medical homes for children with special health care needs
16-23*Service systems for children with special health care needs

Display all objectives in Focus Area 16.

Read Healthy People focus area 16 Maternal, Infant, and Child Health in Healthy People 2010.

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