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1.   Access to Quality Health Services

Goal: Improve access to comprehensive, high-quality health care services.

Objective numbers in bold with an asterisk (*) indicate the objectives with proposed change(s).

Objective Number Objective Short Title
Clinical Preventive Care
1-1Persons with health insurance
1-2*Health insurance coverage for clinical preventive services
1-3*Counseling about health behaviors
Primary Care
1-4Source of ongoing care
1-5Usual primary care provider
1-6Difficulties or delays in obtaining needed health care
1-7*Core competencies in health provider training
1-8Racial and ethnic representation in health professions
1-9Hospitalization for ambulatory-care-sensitive conditions
Emergency Services
1-10*Delay or difficulty in getting emergency care
1-11*Rapid prehospital emergency care
1-12Single toll-free number for poison control centers
1-13*Trauma care systems
1-14Special needs of children
Long-Term Care and Rehabilitative Services
1-15*Long-term care services
1-16Pressure ulcers among nursing home residents

Display all objectives in Focus Area 1.

Read Healthy People focus area 1 Access to Quality Health Services in Healthy People 2010.

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Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion,
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
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